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Old 03-12-2010, 03:30 AM
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Default sump design

Hey there just looking for some advice on my sump design. if you have any feed back please let me know thanks.. (my paint skills arent the greatest so no laughing at me) lol
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[color=red]14gal oceanic biocube.
so far i have, 1-maroon clown, 1-dark orange clown, 1-domino damsel, 1-green chromis, 4-red scarlett hermit crabs, 2-blue legged hermit crabs, 3-margarits snails.

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Old 03-12-2010, 03:44 AM
Fishward Fishward is offline
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personally, i would reduce the area you have set aside for rock and increase your return area. unless you have an ATO, you'll want that area to be as big as possible to reduce the frequency you'll have to top up fresh water. that is the area you'll notice all your evap.

Some people like to have their LR refuge before the skimmer to eliminate all the large particles. leaves less chance your skimmer pump will get plugged with gunk.

I personally drain my tank into my DSB/refuge, over short baffle, just to hold the rock in, and on to the skimmer. through a bubble trap to my return area where im also planning on putting my media reactors when i get em. Carbon and Phosban.

Lastly, before you set your baffle heights, make sure that the difference between your operating depth of water and the rim of your sump is enough to handle the draining of your tank in case your pump stops.
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Old 03-12-2010, 03:50 AM
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ok sounds good i will keep those things in mind thanks for the feed back. the proprtions werent to scale like i said my paint skills suck lol. but that sounds good and i will totaly keep those things in mind..
GO CANUCKS GO. Woooooooooo!!!
[color=red]14gal oceanic biocube.
so far i have, 1-maroon clown, 1-dark orange clown, 1-domino damsel, 1-green chromis, 4-red scarlett hermit crabs, 2-blue legged hermit crabs, 3-margarits snails.

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Old 03-12-2010, 05:58 AM
schroeder schroeder is offline
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Originally Posted by Fishward View Post
personally, i would reduce the area you have set aside for rock and increase your return area. unless you have an ATO, you'll want that area to be as big as possible to reduce the frequency you'll have to top up fresh water. that is the area you'll notice all your evap.
Conversely, if you DO have an ATO, a smaller return area will mean shorter and more frequent top up cycles which will result in more consistent salinity (ie. lower fluctuation). That and a smaller return area leaves more room for live rock
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Old 03-12-2010, 06:10 AM
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Steve_the_nucks_fan Steve_the_nucks_fan is offline
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Well I'm not planning on having an ato so. Ya. I might eventually add one but for now I'm going to go without.
GO CANUCKS GO. Woooooooooo!!!
[color=red]14gal oceanic biocube.
so far i have, 1-maroon clown, 1-dark orange clown, 1-domino damsel, 1-green chromis, 4-red scarlett hermit crabs, 2-blue legged hermit crabs, 3-margarits snails.

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