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Old 02-18-2010, 05:05 AM
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Exclamation Chalice

Got my first chalice today!!! I know a little about them but was wondering if people with expierence can give me some tips and help on placement.
Will post a picbof the drag when I have a chance!


Formally known as Svaningen
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Old 02-18-2010, 05:29 AM
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They're pretty easy. I have 4 in the sandbed of my 50 gal but I think they can pretty much be placed anywhere.
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:05 PM
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Formally known as Svaningen
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:37 PM
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Well, you aren't getting any info from owners, so I thought I would chime in on what I've learned. I've got a few on order, and so did research before hand on reefcentral on how to properly care for them. Most everyone there said they need low light, and low flow. A few people were having issues with them bleaching out, and then people suggested putting it in lower light, and that seemed to help them recover. They will also benefit from food, such as Marine Snow, Coral Frenzy, or Cyclo-Peez. Hope this helps, and in a short time, I'll be trying this as well.
What does your chalice look like?
240 gallon tank build:
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Old 02-18-2010, 05:16 PM
Powertec Powertec is offline
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I have a water melon chalice that likes high light like my sps, just experiment and see what it likes.
I would though start off in low light and low flow however, but like i said my is like a sps coral high flow and light.
I feed oyster feast twice a week.
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Old 02-18-2010, 05:26 PM
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Originally Posted by ponokareefer View Post
Well, you aren't getting any info from owners, so I thought I would chime in on what I've learned. I've got a few on order, and so did research before hand on reefcentral on how to properly care for them. Most everyone there said they need low light, and low flow. A few people were having issues with them bleaching out, and then people suggested putting it in lower light, and that seemed to help them recover. They will also benefit from food, such as Marine Snow, Coral Frenzy, or Cyclo-Peez. Hope this helps, and in a short time, I'll be trying this as well.
What does your chalice look like?
Completely neon glowing green with wat I think is an orange under tone.

Formally known as Svaningen
35 gallon Red Sea Max
Only 16 years old!!!!
CALL AFTER 3:00 ON WEEKDAYS. 604 782 3313
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Old 02-18-2010, 06:50 PM
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I have a few different chalices, for the most part yes you want lower light and flow. I feed my every so often, most of the time just with Mysis. I cover the chalice with a pop bottle top to stop any food theft, you'd be suprised how big of a piece of mysis can fit in one of those tiny mouths.
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