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Old 01-20-2010, 05:52 PM
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Default Need some advice

I just added my live rock and sand, and it's starting to clear up, should I be testing anything in the water other than salinity while this is all cycling, and should I do water changes during the cycling period?
180 gallon reef tank with 80 gallon sump, 2 External overflow boxes ,3 drilled returns,Vertex 100 skimmer, Jager 250 watt heater, Stealth titanium 150 watt heater, 3-500 GPH return Aqua Globe pumps and 2 corelia power heads

My tank so far
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Old 01-20-2010, 06:08 PM
MrsBugmaster MrsBugmaster is offline
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You need to test for Ammonia, and Nitrite to start with and write these numbers down to keep track of them. I test the first few days to get an idea of where the numbers are at. Then you can test once or twice a week. When both these numbers are at 0, then test for Nitrate. When all three are at 0 then the tank is cycled. Then you can slowly add one fish at a time. I do not do water changes during the cylce period, but some do. If you do it will prolong the cycle though.
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Old 01-20-2010, 06:21 PM
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You really only need to test for nitrite, the rest are optional. Nitrite will start to climb in the beginning and eventually reach a high and start to drop down near the end of the cycle. Once nitrite is zero your tank is cycled.
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