I had three green bubble tip anemones. Two are related and one is not. I thought that there should not be a problem with having them on each side of the aquarium. And there was not ... until ... a few days ago. One of the related nems split and the big half went a wandering. It wandered all over until it landed on the unrelated nems rock. Unrelated nem split immediately to double forces??? Well the two unrelated nems surrounded the intruder and an epic battle took place, not unlike Starwars! In the mean time the third nem split and started heading to help his bro. I probably could have made a really good youtube video of epic proportion but decided to take the powerhead and blow unrelated nems off and remove them. I just got a new pair of clowns so they got one and I just gave a friend the other. The two related clones shall be heading to the frag swap. Peace has come to the aquarium once more.