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Old 08-25-2009, 05:45 AM
thanhjenn thanhjenn is offline
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Default Need help Drilling tank

I was inspired by a reef members tank (Dez) so I decide to follow his foot step. Hope he doesn't mind. I have a new 135 gal and slowly piecing thing together. The tank comes with the overflow but want to convert to herbi overflow. As for the return I would like to drill various holes at the bottom 3-5 holes but not sure how to approach. Tank was bought from AI and made sure it is not tempered. These are my questions: on how to drill?, need to support where the holes are drilled?, how far apart (6 ft long tank), tank crack due to weight (drilling compromised strength)? what size hole? and any other things you could think off to help.


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Old 08-25-2009, 01:39 PM
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I wouldnt make your returns on the very bottom of the tank unless your doing a closed loop.

If the power goes out your entire display tank will drain into the sump and unless the sump is bigger than the display that water will end up on the floor.

If it were me I would make my returns come over the top lip of the tank and be slightly into the display tank's water.
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Old 08-25-2009, 05:08 PM
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I have my returns coming through the bottom, I just have a pipe extend up to the water level to prevent the tank from draining. It's nice because you contain all the plumbing in the stand and can put the tank right against the wall.

If you've never drilled a tank before maybe try and find someone local who would be willing to help you out. Perhaps even lend you all the tools you need, or maybe just drill it for you for a small fee. As for spacing between holes usually the hole diameter can be used as a minimum but the more space the better. A perfect hole with a bulkhead won't really compromise strength but DIY techniques will result in chipping around the hole and chips can lead to cracks. This a risk you need to be aware of and have to be willing to take if you plan on drilling a stock tank.
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Old 08-25-2009, 06:11 PM
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If you order a set of bits from ebay then I can help you drill them. I borrowed the bits when I drilled my tank so I don't have any. Or I think Marine Aquaria drills tanks as well. Give them a shout.
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Old 08-25-2009, 07:38 PM
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Check out this site I ordered from them when I drilled my 75 gal. sump. Worked out fine. They have you-tube instructional videos and good prices on hole saws.
New!! 150 gal. wt 2 x 250W 10000K MH & 4 T5 Actinics.
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Old 08-25-2009, 10:28 PM
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or a Canadian site. had drill bits and bulkheads matched and links to drilling video,s.
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Old 08-29-2009, 06:11 AM
thanhjenn thanhjenn is offline
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Default thanks

Thanks for all the replies guys. I have decided to do the herbie and have the return back to over the tank. No drilling, too much risk. if the tanks goes, im in big ____ from the wife.

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Old 08-29-2009, 04:27 PM
Kronk Kronk is offline
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My bet is the wife would ___ you if the tank overflowed as well. Drilling the tank and using bulkheads is the safer route in my opinion. I just drilled my first tank a few weeks ago its extremely easy and as long as you space your holes at least the diameter of the bulheads apart you wont compromise the strength of the glass.

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