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Old 07-07-2009, 03:05 PM
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Default Laminate under tank

We are installing laminate on the main floor of our house which includes under a 46g bow - the stand is a pine All-Glass stand so the weight is pretty evenly dispersed. My husband thinks we should slate under the tank as he thinks the laminate may buckle under the weight. I know the dangers of laminate and water but I don't think 8 feet of slate under the tank is going to make much of a difference in the case of a sprung leak but maybe it is a good idea. Non-fish people think a chunk of slate will be an eyesore if we ever decide to sell the house.

Does anyone have any thoughts/advice on this?
65 g mixed fish with various lps, 50 lbs live rock, remora skimmer, 2 A150W sky blue Kessils
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Old 07-07-2009, 03:19 PM
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I had about 400 gallons of water at my old place all on laminate - went through many spills etc. When we moved and all the tanks were gone, the new homeowners commented on how nice all the floors looked. So I think you're fine.

My new tank is a 150 gallon in process and it's going right on laminate. I will be lining the stand with pond liner though in case (but that's only inside the stand.

Mind you, my old place I put the laminate in myself and it was all the glued together stuff and not the "click" stuff. My new house is the "click" stuff so hopefully it's good. As long as you wipe of spills immediately I'm sure you're fine.

Hope this helps.

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Old 07-07-2009, 05:52 PM
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If it's good quality laminate and you promptly wipe up all spills it should be OK. If, however, you have a flood while you're away on vacation that's another matter.

Have plenty of towels handy.
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Old 07-07-2009, 06:36 PM
Werbo Werbo is offline
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I'd buy a couple extra boxes of the laminate to have on hand just in case. Laminate is always being discontinued and new batches often don't match. I have water damage on my 4yr old laminate from the tank and the laminate has been discontinued. I only need 1/2 a box to fix the damage but now must replace the whole floor if I want it to match.
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Old 07-08-2009, 07:30 AM
Ian Ian is offline
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I have a 50 gallon freshwater siting on laminate with no issues at all..even had a few major spills with no ill effects...seems as long as it is installed properly and is of god quality it is fairly safe.
Biocube 29 est 05/05/08, Koralia 1, 30lbs live rock, ,yellow tail blue damsel, pair cinnamon clowns, baby snowflake eel,Toadstool , metallic green mushroom, assorted zoos , kenya treen
180gall display, 190 pds live rock, virgate rabbitfish,bluejaw trigger, bubblletip anemone,yellow tang, sailfin tang,melanarus wrasse, cloud wrasse,

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Old 07-08-2009, 12:25 PM
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Anyone know how to do a floor while having an established 150g in the room? I want to redo our floor, but not wanting to disassemble the 150g to do it.
Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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Old 07-08-2009, 04:56 PM
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Anyone know how to do a floor while having an established 150g in the room? I want to redo our floor, but not wanting to disassemble the 150g to do it.
When we did the floor in our basement fishroom we used a fairly inexpensive laminate (in case of flood damage) and I didn't put it directly under the sump but saved enough to finish it if we ever move. I siliconed along the baseboards to try and keep water from getting underneath.

It has been holding up really well for 4 years so far with daily water drips and a few mini floods.
220g inwall 48"x36"x30"
110g mangrove refug/sump
Poison Dart Frog Vivarium
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