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View Poll Results: All-in-one controller or multiple controllers?
Profilux or Aqua Controller II etc 38 77.55%
Ranco temp, Tunze 7095, Pinpoint Ph, light timers etc 11 22.45%
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Old 02-10-2009, 02:22 PM
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Default Aquarium controller or individual controllers?

As the title states I'm considering my control options here. I'm looking at either buying

1) a Profilux II or Aqua Controller III
2) Individual controllers such as a dual-stage Ranco, Tunze 7095, digital timers, pinpoint ph

The appeal of the all-in-one solution is obvious. Also (in the case of the Profilux) the sex-appeal is staggering. My concern is a failed controller. The Ranco for example has been proven to be rock-solid. It'd be nice to keep my system mostly operational and replace a timer etc rather than manually do EVERYTHING the all-in-one controller did.

Please vote which you would go with if money wasn't your primary driver. And share why =)
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Old 02-10-2009, 02:47 PM
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I really like a lot of things you can do with controllers but unless I had a backup of some sort I would probably keep the stuff that is on 24/7 on a seprate power strip just as a safety measure. (Return pump and skimmer)

But the ability to monitor ph 24 hrs is nice, feed cycles, etc. ones more safety net for temp problems, etc. the benefits outway the disadvanrtages or the risk...

But then again I don't reacall ever reading about anyone having a failure either....

Just my 2 cents
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Old 02-10-2009, 03:35 PM
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tagging along, as would like to know the answer as well
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Old 02-10-2009, 03:53 PM
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I bought myself a Reefkeepr 2 the other week. I did not need all the fancy stuff the profilux has (dimmiable lights, mooncycles etc etc.) and just wanted it for the basic control and moitoring. I only wish it had the orp option (the elite and the new lite have it)

Even if you spend the big $$ on a profilux it would be way cheaper than buying all the different monitoring equipment and timers/wavemakers on their own.
- Greg

90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2
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Old 02-10-2009, 04:05 PM
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I have the ProfiLux Plus II and I have been very happy with it. It is everything and more than you want in a controller. I wish I had of bought it before the 4 Tunze pump controllers that I have as the savings on the Tunze controllers alone would have paid for the ProfiLux starter kit. I started with the Basic ProfiLux started kit c/w 1 6 way digital power bar and have added as I have grown with its use.

I am now controlling:

System PH
Ca Reactor PH
Chiller and Chiller pump
Kalk Reactor
Main System pump
Non Dimable MH and Actinics
Dimable Moon lights

Tom R
My Tank Setup

Last edited by Tom R; 02-11-2009 at 04:00 AM.
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Old 02-10-2009, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by TJSlayer View Post
I really like a lot of things you can do with controllers but unless I had a backup of some sort I would probably keep the stuff that is on 24/7 on a seprate power strip just as a safety measure. (Return pump and skimmer)

But the ability to monitor ph 24 hrs is nice, feed cycles, etc. ones more safety net for temp problems, etc. the benefits outway the disadvanrtages or the risk...

But then again I don't reacall ever reading about anyone having a failure either....

Just my 2 cents
There is no risk, even if the controller fails, nothing shuts off. Basically everything stays in the state it was in while the controller was if it was on, it stays on, if it was off, it stays off.
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Old 02-10-2009, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
There is no risk, even if the controller fails, nothing shuts off. Basically everything stays in the state it was in while the controller was if it was on, it stays on, if it was off, it stays off.
AWSOME very good to know as I was unaware of that....
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Old 02-10-2009, 05:17 PM
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RK 2. Controls halide, actinics, heater, cooling fan, wavemaker for pumps, main plug ins for skimmer, power filter, {return pump}, which gives me a feed mode, ph monitor, temp monitor.
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Old 02-10-2009, 05:49 PM
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my temp probe on my ac jr failed a while ago. it was reading my tank temp as 120, good thing i only have a fan and not a chiller.

i got a new temp probe but now im scared it might do it again.. when im not around or will say my tank temps like 50 and kick my heater on and fry everything. i will probably end up selling the thing and buying a reefkeeper 2 because i havnt read anything about a temp probe failing on them.
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Old 02-10-2009, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
There is no risk, even if the controller fails, nothing shuts off. Basically everything stays in the state it was in while the controller was if it was on, it stays on, if it was off, it stays off.
That's sort of my fear. Let's say the controller turns on a dosing pump or something. It fails. You're saying the pump would continue to operate...perhaps emptying a bunch of freshwater into the tank etc.

Also...should the controller fail you have nothing while you try and replace it. Individual controllers seems to be smarter to me in that respect. They can all fail but it seems to me that if something goes on the mainboard of a all-in-one that it ceases to do anything.

Keep it coming =)
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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