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Old 01-25-2009, 06:31 PM
tredford8 tredford8 is offline
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Default Coral/Clams/Fish For Sale in Kamloops

Hey guys,
My name is Tony in case that's necessary info, and I will more than likely need to be moving to Saskatoon near the end of August for Vet school so I'd like to start selling some of the contents of my 20 gallon reef. I don't really feel like listing everything but I'll list a few things and the prices I would be looking for. Obviously prices are negotiable, especially with multiple purchases. Anyways, here's some of my stuff and I'll put some pics at the bottom:
Pink Pocillopora Colony $90
Green Bubble Coral $50
4" Blue Crocea Clam $50
Green Trumpet Coral Colony (Approx. 10-12 heads) $30

Anybody interested should either p.m. me or e-mail me at and we can either set up a time you can check out the tank or I can e-mail you a list of most of my stock. Ok, I think thats it, here's some pics:

Sorry guys, I just went to get some new pics and I've been too lazy to clean algae so they look a little scuzzy! O well, enjoy.
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Old 01-25-2009, 07:39 PM
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Old 01-25-2009, 07:57 PM
new but handy new but handy is offline
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Old 01-25-2009, 10:16 PM
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Wealth is of the heart and mind and not of the pocket..
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Old 01-26-2009, 12:44 AM
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Dan Pesonen

Umm, a tank or 5
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:05 PM
tredford8 tredford8 is offline
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After much request (And because I couldn't find an easier way to sennd it to people) I decided to post my stock for people to see. Anyways here it is:

Soft Corals
Mushroom Leather Frags Sarcophyton sp. $15
Tan Finger Leather Lobophytum sp. $30 SOLD
Blue/Purple mushrooms Actinodiscus sp.
1 large colony $40 SOLD
1 small colony $20 SOLD
Star Polyps Pachyclavularia violacea
Metallic Green medium $40 SOLD
small $20
Green/Pink Ricordea Rock Ricordea sp. $60 SOLD
Colt coral Frag Cladiella sp. $20 SOLD
Green w/ Orange centre Zoa Colony Zoanthid sp. $40 SOLD
Orange tent. Pink centre Zoa Frag Zoanthid sp. $20 SOLD
Yellow tent. Blue centre Zoa Frag Zoanthid sp. $2
Random Mushroom Frags Assorted sp. $10-$15 each

LPS Corals
Green Bubble Coral Plerogyra sinuosa $50 SOLD
Cream/Green Candy cane Coral Caulastrea furcata
2 x large $50 each 1 SOLD
1 x small $15
Green Trumpet Coral (10 Heads) Caulastrea curvata $30
Red Lobed Brain Coral Lobophyllia hemprichii $50 SOLD
Green/Purple Flat Brain Coral Trachyphyllia radiata $60 SOLD
Green/Grey Moon Coral Favia sp. $50 SOLD
2 x Cream/Pink Hammer Coral Euphyllia ancora $25 each
(3 Heads Each)

SPS Corals
Pink/Orange/Green Pocillopora Pocillopora damicornis $90
Blue Polyp Birdsnest Seriatopora hystrix
Large Colony $70
Large Frags $25 each
Green Digi Frags Montipora digitata $15 each
Random SPS frags Assorted sp. $20 each

Combo rocks
Green Digi Montipora digitata $100
Green Staghorn Acropora sp. (nobilis?)
Red Cap Montipora capricornus
Blue Acropora Acropora sp. (tenuis?)

Blue Acropora Acropora sp. (tenuis?) $100 SOLD
Grey/Purple Cat’s Paw Pavona sp.
Red/Green Moon Coral Favites sp.
Pink Pocillopora Pocilliopora damicornis

Blue Acropora $50
Yellow/Pink Acro Mille
Green Polyp Birdsnest

Yellow Polyps Parazoanthus gracilis $80
Pink Anthelia Anthelia sp.

Invertebrates2 x 4” Purple/Blue Crocea Clam Tridacna crocea 1 for $50 SOLD
1 on large rock w/ white star polyps and blue mushrooms for $70 SOLD
2” Blue/Green Crocea Clam Tridacna crocea $30 SOLD

Flame Angel Centropyge loricula $40 SOLD
True Percula Clownfish Amphiprion percula $25
Yellow Watchman Goby Cryptocentrus cinctus $20

OK I probably forgot some stuff but if anybody's interested they should set up a time by p.m. to check out everything anyways. Thanks everybody,

Last edited by tredford8; 04-06-2009 at 06:21 PM.
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Old 01-27-2009, 07:42 PM
Whatigot Whatigot is offline
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this just for locals or are you into shipping or maybe headed to Vancity sometime?
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Old 01-28-2009, 07:46 PM
tredford8 tredford8 is offline
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Sorry, I'm not heading to the coast anytime soon. I do go sporadically because my girlfriend's family is from langley/abbotsford so I'll pm you if I still have anything left the next time I go.
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Old 01-29-2009, 03:21 AM
new but handy new but handy is offline
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Hey. I was thinking about swinging by on sun to have a look at your stuff. I'll pm you if I decide to. It would be just to have a look because I would be heading down to work. So on that note... if the person in coquitlem wants to buy something, something could probably be arranged for a delivery. I live in Vernon and I work in van so I go back and forth every week. I don't want to drive all over town but we could figure something out.
Sorry: whatigot is your name!
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Old 01-30-2009, 12:23 AM
tredford8 tredford8 is offline
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that totally works for me. Whatigot, if you want more detailed pictures just p.m. me and I can send some of anything you are interested in. New but handy, I'll be at home pretty much all Sunday, so anytime will work, I live out in Westsyde if that helps you plan your trip too.
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