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Old 10-15-2008, 05:21 PM
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Default Alright whose 12 footer is that?

I was paying Mitch a visit at Bow Valley and got a tank tour of some behemoth 800 gallon tank. Anyone on here building this?

Bottom was 2 x 3/4". I'd hate to move that thing!
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Old 10-15-2008, 08:09 PM
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I'm always amazed at some of the tanks that get built, that we never (ever) hear of the owners. I think there's a pretty goodly portion of people of fish tanks who just basically have money, and want something "ooh ahh" in their house or business, and pay someone to stock it and care for it .. and generally don't give a rats behind about the actual knowledge that goes into the building and maintenance of such a thing.
-- Tony
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Old 10-15-2008, 08:58 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
I'm always amazed at some of the tanks that get built, that we never (ever) hear of the owners. I think there's a pretty goodly portion of people of fish tanks who just basically have money, and want something "ooh ahh" in their house or business, and pay someone to stock it and care for it .. and generally don't give a rats behind about the actual knowledge that goes into the building and maintenance of such a thing.
Is it just me, or is there some sort of remarkably strained angst hidden in this post :P

I'm having one of those days too Tony.
This and that.
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Old 10-15-2008, 09:04 PM
Sebae again Sebae again is offline
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Yeah. Is there something wrong with my new nano tank?
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Old 10-15-2008, 09:07 PM
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The angst isn't very well hidden and the tone remarkably narrow minded for such an experienced & well respected forum member.

I know plenty of people with amazing marine setups that never venture into forums. Does that mean they don't give a rats about their tanks?

I also find nothing wrong with paying for the build & maintenance of a system. I mean, who cares? so long as everything is healthy & well looked after...

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Old 10-15-2008, 09:29 PM
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I think Tony does have a point in the sense that I have had experience with certain people who could give a rat's ass about the things in the tank as long as it looked impressive. In fact, while channel surfing a few months ago I came across an interview with some music star/professional athlete-type who was giving a camera crew a little tour of his mansion. When he was asked about his monster SW fish display he said something along the lines of "I gotta keep paying $^%&*&^% big $$$ for new fish cuz they keep dying, but it sure looks cool! Haw! Haw!" He obviously didn't have a clue of what fish he had or why they might have been dying.

I am in no way suggesting that whoever ordered this particular tank is one of those people.

Last edited by fkshiu; 10-15-2008 at 09:32 PM.
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Old 10-15-2008, 09:37 PM
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You read far too much into my comments. No angst except for what you mistakenly place into my comments. All I mean is there are a great number of big tanks out there that you'll never hear about. Does the owner of a business who puts a tank in the lobby care about what's in it? Not usually. The effect is for impact, and it serves its purpose. There's nothing wrong with it. Same for the wealthy segment - they may want the take for the visual appeal and nothing more. If they take it further, good for them, but if they don't, they don't. All I'm saying is there are more tanks out there that fit into that category than what you may realize. If that's what makes the owners happy then so be it.

Now.. since you tried to spank me, I'm going to spank you back. Please don't ever call me narrow minded again unless you are prepared to tell that to my face. You don't know me, you don't even come close to thinking you know me, so you are not in a position to make such a vicious judgment on my character. You talk about being narrow minded, perhaps you need to do some introspective analysis yourself there my friend. Have a nice day.
-- Tony
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Old 10-15-2008, 09:39 PM
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Well I for one would love that tank, it sounds beautiful. But, you are right, I definitely wouldn't want to be lifting that sucker.
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Old 10-15-2008, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
You read far too much into my comments. No angst except for what you mistakenly place into my comments. All I mean is there are a great number of big tanks out there that you'll never hear about. Does the owner of a business who puts a tank in the lobby care about what's in it? Not usually. The effect is for impact, and it serves its purpose. There's nothing wrong with it. Same for the wealthy segment - they may want the take for the visual appeal and nothing more. If they take it further, good for them, but if they don't, they don't. All I'm saying is there are more tanks out there that fit into that category than what you may realize. If that's what makes the owners happy then so be it.

Now.. since you tried to spank me, I'm going to spank you back. Please don't ever call me narrow minded again unless you are prepared to tell that to my face. You don't know me, you don't even come close to thinking you know me, so you are not in a position to make such a vicious judgment on my character. You talk about being narrow minded, perhaps you need to do some introspective analysis yourself there my friend. Have a nice day.
I stated that your comment had a narrow minded tone.

I did not call you narrow minded.

You however, are most definitely name calling here.

Again for such an experienced & respected forum member, I am VERY surprised by your immature response to reef related discussion.

If you are so thin skinned that you accuse me of spanking you (I would never knowingly spank a stranger! ) & then threaten me in a public forum, then please grow up, & also please follow moderators own advice & leave that kind of comment in private messages & allow normal discussion to carry on.

Are people not allowed to disagree with staff here anymore?

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Old 10-15-2008, 09:47 PM
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can't we all just get along, Don't make me spank the lot of you

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