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Old 09-25-2008, 07:54 PM
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Default Intro and Equipment list

Hello All I am new to Canreef but have been over on reeef central for about a year though took a break from it for about 9 months after I decided not to switch my 90 gal from fresh and instead sold it. I have since then decided to switch over my 55 gal cichlid tank.

So for a bit of info about myself. I am a 24 year old married mother of one with another one in the oven. I have a 20 month old daughter and I am almost 22 weeks pregnant with what we are told is a boy. I am a huge huge animal lover and have owned many pets in my short life already from cats, dogs, mice (still have), gerbles, a dove, snakes (still have two adults that I am selling to get into the salt water hobbie) That i have bred once.
Currently the pets consist of three remaining baby snakes, one of which is sold the other two were trouble feeders that are not ready to go yet. I also still have the parents of these babies but am trying to sell them, I also have a ragdoll x cat and a 55 gal cichlid tank that will be my saltwater tank after the switch over is made. So on to the planed set-up.

The tank currently consists of a 55 gal that was your basic starter kit. So stock lights, heater and penguin 350 filter. The tank is set-up with 50lbs of pool filter sand and aprox 100lbs of reef rock (sold in the rock department of fish stores). Everything currently part of the tank will be used in the new set-up to start the lights of course will be upgraded as soon as possible (hopefully after xmas). In addition to all this I have compiled the following list from Mops aquariums supplies which is where all the equipment will be purchased from.

Medium Size Floating Algae Magnet for Glass 1 $ 13.53 $ 13.53
Aqua Gloves 1 $ 16.95 $ 16.95
Pisces Pro Acclimator 1 $ 9.56 $ 9.56
Black Diamond Carbon [1.87L] 1 $ 14.17 $ 14.17
Filter Media Bag - Small [3" x 8"] 2 $ 1.07 $ 2.14
Aragamax Oolitie Select [30 lbs] 1 $ 32.31 $ 32.31
Stealth Submersible Heater [100 watts] 1 $ 28.68 $ 28.68
Instant Ocean [160 gal mix] 1 $ 49.99 $ 49.99
Maxi-Jet 1200 Power Head [295 gph] 1 $ 26.95 $ 26.95
Koralia 3 Circulation Pump 2 $ 49.91 $ 99.82
Remora with Maxi-Jet 1200 1 $ 188.92 $ 188.92
Remora Surface Prefilter for Maxi-Jet 1 $ 35.94 $ 35.94
Reef Master Test Kit 1 $ 28.85 $ 28.85
Salinity Refractometer 1 $ 54.95 $ 54.95
Hand Held TDS Meter w/Vinyl Case 1 $ 31.88 $ 31.88
PinPoint Wireless Thermometer 1 $ 35.52 $ 35.52
Digital Thermometer 1 $ 8.23 $ 8.23
Flo Rotating Water Deflector 2 $ 16.15 $ 32.30
Actual Freight Charges 1 $ 25.95 $ 25.95
Shipping $ 0.00
Sales Tax $ 95.75
Grand Total $ 832.39

To this I will add about 10 lbs of live sand and 10-20 lbs of live rock depending on what I end up paying for it and how much rock I get for the price since I have a fair amount of rock in the tank already. I will also be setting up a 10 gal QT that I am getting from my inlaws for free.

The stock list plans are as follows
2 false perculas
1 fire fish
1 bi color blenny
1 neon goby
1 royal gramma
5 blue green cromis
1 tailspot blenny
2 porcelain crabs

5 cerith snails
3 nassarius snails
2 trochus snails
5 scarlet hermit crabs
to start will add more as needed

Any thoughts on this stuff am I missing anything?
55 gal cichlid tank in the planing stages of a switch to salt water soft coral reef tank.
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:05 PM
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your gonna need to add alot more cuc for the amount of fish your planning on. just my opinion. but what you have listed would barely be adequite for a 25 gallon. everything else sounds alright though
110 gallon mixed reef with 77 gallon sump/frag tank
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:07 PM
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Ok so any sugestions for a starter clean up crew?
55 gal cichlid tank in the planing stages of a switch to salt water soft coral reef tank.
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:15 PM
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the jl aquatics site has packs that are pretty good. i usually kinda overdue it with the hermits but they kinda disappear after a while anyway.
110 gallon mixed reef with 77 gallon sump/frag tank
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:21 PM
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There's been some discussion here and there about the value of crabs compared to snails - you may want to go a little more snail-heavy. J&L still look to be crab fanatics in their packages, so I don't want to stir that pot...
Originally Posted by tgoeujon View Post
the jl aquatics site has packs that are pretty good. i usually kinda overdue it with the hermits but they kinda disappear after a while anyway.
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Old 09-25-2008, 09:37 PM
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Welcome to Canreef...ask lots of questions there are some people here actually qualified to answer them. I have found with clean up crews the crabs eventually kill off a certain fraction snails for the shells. JL's recommended Janitor crew list is good. That is what I started out with. Later on you may want to get a few more snails
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Old 09-25-2008, 10:11 PM
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Along with AJ77's comment, the Ocean Aquatics site on here has CUC packages that include less hermits, more snails.
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Old 09-25-2008, 10:15 PM
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[quote=AJ_77;347803]There's been some discussion here and there about the value of crabs compared to snails - you may want to go a little more snail-heavy.

I agree, go with more snails. And welcome to Canreef.
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Old 09-25-2008, 10:24 PM
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Ya I plan to go more snail heavy but didn't want to start of with too much I figured I would have just the 5 hermits and that would be it unless they all die then i might add more but was planing on adding more snails after a couple months. Does anyone have any better numbers to start with for the snails to go with the 5 hermits?
55 gal cichlid tank in the planing stages of a switch to salt water soft coral reef tank.
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Old 09-25-2008, 11:06 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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OK my suggestion would be to skip the Aquagloves and TDS meter.

I would skip the Remora skimmer and instead use the money to find a used skimmer of better quality, maybe a Tunze or Deltec.

I would cut down your fish list and consider just getting the two clowns for the first few months as they are easy to care for feed etc and are hardy. Overall your fish list looks overstocked to me.

Good to see you are ordering from MOPS. I have bought from them a bunch of times and the guy who runs it is great, I forget his name, although usually I stick to J & L and OA being more local.
120 gallon sps/anemones/LPS reef since 2004
Apex controller
8 x 54 watt T5 PowerModule
Herbie's silent overflow system
Jebao DC 12000 return pump
Jecod CP-40 Cross-flow circulation device
Mini Bubble King 180
Barr Aquatics calcium reactor
Bucket fuge
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