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Old 04-22-2008, 09:23 PM
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Default FS More of my system for sale

It looks like I have a sale pending on my tank. The following is still available. I would like to have everything gone in 2 weeks. I"ll consider some people coming during a weeknight or on Saturday. But will not be available Sunday, Sorry.

This was my system: I will be adding more pics as I can of my hardware and corals.
  • Mag 18 pump used as return pump 4 years old, runs well -
  • Mag 12 pump used with skimmer )
  • Homemade injection skimmer handles my 150 fine (ran on mag 12) -
  • Aquatic Essentials Calcium Reactor with 10 gallon C02 tank. Tank was just refilled a week ago. If I recall this reactor can handle tanks over 250. I had the solenoid burn out so it needs to be replaced. Over half full of media and I have some media left. PRICE REDUCED TO $250 but I might consider offers.
  • Seio 1100 -
  • Homemade acrylic sump; size is approx 36" L x 18" w 15" H.
  • Phosban reactor with rechargable iron oxide media and includes vinyl tubing and powerhead -
  • 430 watt Son Agro ballast only (no moguls) These are great for radium lights and European bulbs. I use them with 10XM bulbs and they tend to make the bulb a bit brighter and whiter. The bulbs might need to be replaced sooner. But this ballast is basically what a PFO 400 watt HQI. At least that is what was explained to me so I had these made to save money. I have two of them. They include a power cord in and a cable out, but does not include reflectors, moguls.
  • Have quite a few used 400 watt XM 10K (10 month old) bulbs. If you want them $5 each.
Due to bryopsis problems I'm throwing out sps every week. Some I'll list and sell, but their might be some pieces not mentioned that I will part with for cheap.

I'm going to try to take some pics and add them. But I'm not making promises.
  • Greenish frogspawn with pink tips (med)
  • Torch Coral, brown with brilliant yellow tips and some zoos attached
  • Hammer coral (sm) -
  • Turbinaria (lg) -
  • Large bright green monticap (size of gallon icecream pail) could be tricky to remove off large rock. A large purple milli is attached and so are a few other corals. The milli has a sale pending. I'm not sure how much of the cap will be saved when removing it from the rock. If I can separate the other corals, then the rock will have to go with the cap to your residence. Price for Green Cap
  • Nice green hynophora (med) -
  • 2 Bangaii Cardinals (non pair) Price - $12 each sold D
  • Nice size Lawnmower Blenny Price - $10 Sale Pending D
  • Copperband butterfly fish (med size) - $12 SALE PENDING D
Feel free to PM me or email me at with questions or to make arrangements for purchase.


Last edited by chwkreefer; 05-09-2008 at 07:11 PM.
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Old 04-22-2008, 10:11 PM
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Sent you a pm Bill.
72 G Mixed Reef
155 Bowfront
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Old 04-22-2008, 10:45 PM
dandyfop dandyfop is offline
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Me too Bill!
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Old 04-23-2008, 01:54 AM
mutabaruka mutabaruka is offline
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me three Bill!
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Old 04-23-2008, 08:30 PM
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For those of you who have confirmed coral purchases with me. I would like to have you all come this Saturday April 26 from 10AM to 4PM. If you are unable to make that day or time, please let me know. There will probably be some frags and corals not mentioned that you might want for cheap so keep that in mind.

Some of the real big Acro's probably won't be able to kept mounted to the Live Rock because as many as 4 corals could be attached. But we'll try to chizel them apart. A bunch of the live rock has hair algae/bryopsis, but if you want to clean it up, I'll certainly make you a fair deal if you want it.

I also have a bunch of dead rock that is still encrusted and is sitting in Instant Ocean pails. So if you need some base rock, I'll have some.

I also have about 4 Instant Ocean pails of aragonite. One or two pails is straight sugar sand. So I'll part with that stuff quite cheap two. Probably just make me an offer when you come over if you are interested.

My telephone number is 604-794-5848. I live in Rosedale and my house is about a minutes drive west from Minter Gardens (Bridal Falls) So I'm just off the freeway.
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Old 04-23-2008, 09:32 PM
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For those that will need directions to my place if you give me your email address I can email you a 300kb pdf file with some maps, directions and pics to help you find my place.

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Old 04-25-2008, 12:30 AM
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Just wanting to confirm who's committing to purchasing stuff from me. If I missed you or missed something please let me know. I want to thank all of you who have shown interest. I really appreciate it. This is really hard for me to shut this down. I love the hobby, I just can't deal with it physically anymore, so I'm glad that so many have responded quickly to help me get this stuff out. Please remember to bring your own bags, pails and helpers (muscles) if necessary depending on your order.

Here is how I have things marked off so far. The following is spoken for.
  • 150 Tank - Chris
  • Mag 18 - sale pending with Cole.
  • Mag 12 & skimmer - Pseudo
  • Bangaii's - jkhchris
  • Copperband and Lawnmower Blenny - Darryl
  • AquaEssentials Calcium reactor with full 10lb tank & media ( can handle a very large tank) - Reduced $200 obo .... needs new solenoid. But still it's a good deal Sale Pending to Darryl
  • Boston Fragging tools - 2 different types of stainless steel cutters - $6 each
  • Boston Reef Plugs approx 20 pcs - $2
  • Grey Turbanaria (Pagoda) - $20
  • Seio 1100 powerhead- Reduced to $50
  • Home made Plexiglass sump 36" x 17"w x 15" h $50
  • 2 - Son Agro 400 watt ballasts $50 ea. (Good for European bulbs and Radiums)
  • There will be some SPS frags available yet, anywhere from $5 to $12.
  • 5 or 6 - 10 month old XM 400 watt 10K mogul MH bulbs $2 a piece (great for backup)


Last edited by chwkreefer; 05-09-2008 at 07:17 PM.
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Old 04-25-2008, 01:12 AM
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Here are a few more pics at the request of some people who have PM'd me.

Pic of my calcium reactor

Another pic of my skimmer. It needs to get cleaned again.

Here's my sump

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Old 04-25-2008, 08:24 PM
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Due to some people deciding not to go through with pending sales some items have become available.

Please check above to see the changes and what is now taken and available. Also, I might have the odd item for sale, that I haven't mentioned. ie magnets, corallife vinyl gloves, etc.
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Old 04-26-2008, 11:34 PM
CLINT CLINT is offline
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BUMP for some great deals.Thanks Bill for the great purple mille and Thank you even more for the Tank that will sonn be here.The build thread will start as soon as I get a chance.Thanks again Clint
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