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Old 02-18-2008, 01:00 AM
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landshark landshark is offline
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Default 10 Gallon Questions

I have a 10 gallon tank with approximately ten pounds of live rock. I am using an Aquaclear mini filter, no carbon, and a Koralia Nano powerhead for water movement and filtering. For livestock I have two 1-inch Percula Clowns, a one-inch yellow Clown Goby, Cleaner shrimp, Feather Duster worm, two small blue-legged hermit crabs, and four Astrea snails to help with algae.
I have approximately one and a half inches of Aragonite sand on the bottom. For lighting I have a Nova Extreme 18 inch high-output T-5 x2 fixture sitting one inch above the tank. Bulbs are Current T-5HO 18-watt 10KK and Current T-5HO 18-watt 460NM Actinic, two weeks old. Tank has been running four weeks, but was setup with live rock, water, and sand from a 92 gallon well-established tank. I also have a 1-watt, Blue Moon glow LED. I am using Oceanpure salt.

My questions are;
What critter or fish can I add to my tank in order to help me with filamentous algae? I am considering running a Nano protein skimmer such as the Rio model to help with issues of overloading. I would also be willing to remove the yellow Clown Goby from the tank.
I would like to try some small Frags of soft coral such as Zoos, or Mushrooms and possibly a long tentacle anemone for the clowns in the future. Good idea? Or bad idea? Also, how often should I be feeding, and how much?
Appreciate any help!
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Old 02-18-2008, 03:52 AM
Starry Starry is offline
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Check this site out

I wouldnt keep an anemone in a 10 gallon, but thats just me. Your typical clean up crew should suffice. Hermits and snails (no turbos). Zoas and a few shrooms should do well in your 10 I would think maybe some gsp for the front?
180 custom starfire
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