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Old 01-11-2008, 11:52 AM
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Default Acrylic Repairs

I purchased a calcium reactor that was a DIY ,has being working for 1 1/2 yrs
i noticed on one of the seams that there is a little salt creep starting to show at the bottom on main reactor chamber. The reactor is a 2 piece set up system with main reactor going to an extra chamber for more media.Where does a person get weld on 16 ,if thats what i use for the repair. It will have to go on the outside as the chamber is only 4" wide ,16" tall. Also needed repair is the second chamber .The top end needs a new flange to be made and welded back onto the 5" cylinder. Is there any acrylic dudes out there able to help? Red Deer area would be sweet
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Old 01-23-2008, 03:43 AM
RMHL RMHL is offline
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Default Repairs

To seal your leak you can use Crazy Glue! Just make sure that there is no salt and that the joint is dry. Get the glue that has the consistancy of water and run a bead along the seam on the outside. It will wick in by capillary action and presto. Leak is gone! To make sure after the first bead is set, you can apply a second bead. It's also a good idea to apply a bead inside if you can. Just get a couple of drops of glue onto the seam inside and rotate the container around to distribute the glue. As for your flange, what are the dimensions? I can make one up for you but I live here in Edmonton.
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Old 01-23-2008, 04:40 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Default acrylic

You can buy proper acrylic sealer[glue] and applicator for it. The applicator makes the job easier. I built my fuge with a kit I got off the web and it sealed it up perfectly and water-tight. I dont have a lot of faith in crazy glue for applications that involve saltwater. Check to see if there are any plastic shops in your area and see what they suggest.
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Old 01-23-2008, 12:49 PM
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I had a leak on a bubble counter I made and thought a a bead of 16 would work but it didn't. Something like Weldon 4 might wick in, but don't think you'll get much wicking specially on a thin crack from 16. Whatever you try, make sure you give a good clean.
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