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Old 02-06-2003, 06:39 PM
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Default Eric Borneman speaking in Seattle

Hey guys,

I was just wondering if anyone was planning on going to see Eric Borneman speak at the PSAS meeting in Seattle on Feb 22nd??

Heres a link to info:

Christy's Reef Blog

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Old 02-06-2003, 08:47 PM
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I wouldn't mind heading over if there were enough people to keep expences down.
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Old 02-07-2003, 12:48 AM
zulu_principle zulu_principle is offline
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Default Borneman Talk

I think im going to go, leaving in the morning tour a couple of the local fish stores.

I need to back for the next day, the fishroom so would be driving back that night.

I can take another 4 people if anyone is interested.

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Old 02-07-2003, 01:33 AM
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Hey Wendal, Rich here- I would love to tag along for the meeting. The tour of a few lfs would also be great :!: Would Saltwater City in Bellvue maybe be included in one of your stops :?: I also have to be back that night so that plan of yours would work for me.
cheers, Rich

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Old 02-07-2003, 03:17 PM
zulu_principle zulu_principle is offline
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I just received this from Paul, I saw Borneman talk at MACNA so I think I will skip this.

Make sure you join if you are planning on attending.


Eric will be at the Blue Sierra local fish store on Feb. 22nd at 6pm to address the PSAS membership. He will be giving his MACNA "What makes Corals tick" presentation. We are concerned that there will not be enough space for everyone if we let non-members (not just yourself but non-paying local members) attend this presentation. So our policy will be to let dues paying members only attend. You can join PSAS for $10 US which would include any immediate family members (wife, kids). You can pay at the door or better yet send Paul Merkling, our Treasurer $10 and avoid what is sure to be a zoo at the front door.

Blue Sierra and Paul Merkling's address are both on the PSAS web site. Membership will also enable you to participate in the store discounts that Blue Sierra and other local stores offer PSAS members. If I know Jonas the owner he will stock up on a bunch of cool stuff for this event.

I hope to see you there!

Paul Hamby
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Old 02-07-2003, 06:13 PM
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I'd like to tag along if possible wendell.. I will PM you about further plans
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Old 02-10-2003, 01:49 AM
Mushroom Boy Mushroom Boy is offline
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Howdy folks.

We're really looking forward to this meeting. It should be a great time. As Paul Hamby mentioned, if you'd like to pre-pay, you can send me a check for $10 US to:

Puget Sound Aquarium Society
1914 NE 80th St.
Seattle, WA 98115
attn: Paul Merkling

If you decide to go ahead and mail this in, please include your home street address, as well as your email address so I can add you to our mailing lists. Also, the meeting is less than 2 weeks away at this point, so I would request that you only mail dues this week. This will allow me time enough to process your dues and send you a membership card, which you'll be able to show at the door of the event to gain entry. If anyone has any questions, feel free to drop me a line. Hope to see you all there!

Paul Merkling
Treasurer, Membership Chairman, Newsletter Editor, Puget Sound Aquarium Society
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Old 02-10-2003, 01:57 AM
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I am working on arranging a trip down with Christy. :shock:

Might I suggest to the Canadians to send a US postal money order instead. Sometimes, your bank will not honor cheques in US funds if they are feeling particularly nasty.........
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Old 02-10-2003, 02:23 AM
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Good point Em,
Also, alot of out-of-country cheques are held for at least 2 weeks to ensure that they clear. Your membership could be held until then, thus possibly missing Eric Borneman... :shock:
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Old 02-12-2003, 04:00 AM
MtnDewMan MtnDewMan is offline
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I wouldn't worry about mailing your money if you are pressed for time. As long as you have the $10US when you get there, it will all work out fine. Just find me if you have any problems If you are able to get the membership cards in the mail, you will be able to get your discounts at the local stores while you are running around all day ....

Looking forward to seeing you guys down in our neck of the woods.
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