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Old 06-19-2007, 03:24 AM
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Default Using DI water only in the LMD.... why not?

I was at a LFS a couple of months ago and I learned that he does not use RO - he only uses DI to make the top off replacement water. I have been thinking about it since and with the summer months coming, I recently decided to collect the waste water from my RO unit to use it to water my garden.

I make 50g of RO water each instance and i collected approximately 100g of waste water. My input TDS reading is 8 and after RO/DI, my TDS reading is 0. To make 50g of RO/DI water, I had to use 150g of water. If I made DI water only, 50g of water would yield 50g of DI water.

Today I started reading this thread on RC on how to recharge DI resin.
Although the chemicals are caustic, its commonly sold at hardware stores and are no less caustic as some of the chemicals that we use on our toilets, bathtubs or clothes.

So my topic/question for discussion is primarily targeted at (but not limited to) those who already have an initial low TDS reading: why don't we all just use DI water instead of the RO and DI?
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Old 06-19-2007, 04:25 AM
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There is no reason not to use DI-only water in the GVRD. I used to use DI only water when I had a 46 gallon in the form of an AP Tapwater Filter. The only reason why I went RO/DI is because the AP just couldn't produce enough DI water conveniently for a 150g system.

I believe OA uses DI-only water the last time I checked there.

A full-out RO/DI system is an added measure of filtration when the water quality does go down such as what happened around here last winter - although the pre-filters took the brunt of the extra turbidity rather than the RO membrane.
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Old 06-19-2007, 04:45 AM
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DI is for final water polishing via Ion's like squeezing the last drop out of a sponge. The bulk of the filtering process is done through the RO membrane. Here are some stats from Spectra Pure website

RO unit:
remove over 98% of all ionic impurities
remove over 95% of organic impurities
remove colloidal and particulate impurities
remove microorganisms and pyrogens
remove chlorine, chloramines, pesticides etc.

RODI unit:
remove over 99.9% of all ionic impurities
remove over 95% of organic impurities
remove colloidal and particulate impurities
remove microorganisms and pyrogens
remove chlorine, chloramines, pesticides etc.

In my opinion, why bother with the DI filtering if you're going to skip out on the reverse osmosis step that takes out 98% of the ionic impurites? DI is a marketing gimick's to sell the dang most applications it's not needed.
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Old 06-19-2007, 04:46 AM
Zylumn Zylumn is offline
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You are very lucky to have a tds reading of 8 out of your tap. Yesterday 184 out of mine. At 8 my fish and water bottle would get it right out of the tap.
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Old 06-19-2007, 04:58 AM
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This time of year in Calgary is extremely bad due to mountain run offs.....I bet if we did a study on Non RO reefers in Calgary, most will experience some sort of algae bloom this time of year??? Our water is sad
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Old 06-19-2007, 05:07 AM
Zylumn Zylumn is offline
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I tested from 2 pails of water left out in this last rain we had. one pail was 4 and one was 7. ????
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Old 06-19-2007, 05:34 AM
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Default then how?

Originally Posted by ClubReef View Post
DI is for final water polishing via Ion's like squeezing the last drop out of a sponge. The bulk of the filtering process is done through the RO membrane. Here are some stats from Spectra Pure website

RO unit:
remove over 98% of all ionic impurities
remove over 95% of organic impurities
remove colloidal and particulate impurities
remove microorganisms and pyrogens
remove chlorine, chloramines, pesticides etc.

RODI unit:
remove over 99.9% of all ionic impurities
remove over 95% of organic impurities
remove colloidal and particulate impurities
remove microorganisms and pyrogens
remove chlorine, chloramines, pesticides etc.

In my opinion, why bother with the DI filtering if you're going to skip out on the reverse osmosis step that takes out 98% of the ionic impurites? DI is a marketing gimick's to sell the dang most applications it's not needed.
but how do you explain 0 TDS reading on the output on DI only filtered water?
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Old 06-19-2007, 05:45 AM
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You get 0 tds reading on a DI only cartridge? I can see 8% TDS down to 6% or so..but complete 0? I can't explain ...but if it's that simple and you trust your TDS meter than it's obviously eliminating dissolved solids.. Mechanically I can't see how it can be complete 0 though??

From an 8% to a 0% drop means that all of the content in the original water is in the form of Ionic impurities. This implies that there were no Organic impurities, particalte impurties, microorgasms, chlorine, pesticides etc in your original water because DI does not eliminate these..only ionic components through ion exchange...see where I'm going here ??

Last edited by ClubReef; 06-19-2007 at 05:59 AM. Reason: Adding addition Comments
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Old 06-19-2007, 08:09 AM
skylord skylord is offline
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I was asked to try this a couple of months ago and found my TDS meter also reads 0% with DI only. Ive been using DI water since and I'm not noticing any adverse effects. With my current system it works well for me. When we get into our new home and the larger system is running I think I will go back to RO/DI but my system will be more automated.

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Old 06-19-2007, 02:11 PM
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I think the biggest reason we use RO is to lengthen the life of the DI resin.If you only use DI,the resin will have to be of a very high quality (not mixed bed)or you will be recharging between every use.Ive been looking into this for quite a while now and it seems Kati/ani from Germany is the way to go.Seems expensive at first,but the life of the resin and the ability to recharge numerous time would make it worth looking at.Also if you are having a problem finding lye for recharges,check out the soap stores.Lye is used to make soap,and these places usually sell it for making home made soap.
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