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Old 06-01-2007, 10:00 PM
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Default changing from reef to fish only?

HI I am thinking of changing from a reeftank to fish only no live rock?If i sell my rock,corals and m/h light can i keep the live sand and sump with calerpa will i need to add some sort of extra filter.i.e skimmer

Thanks Paul
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Old 06-01-2007, 10:05 PM
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I would keep the live rock if you're going to have fish. They like to have places to hide and sleep, etc.

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Old 06-02-2007, 11:30 PM
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and it would look real bare without the liverock. I would keep it because it'd be hard to get what you paid for it in the first place.
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.
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Old 06-03-2007, 12:44 AM
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yeah i would definitely keep the LR. or even just buy new LR and sell off the old with corals attached if that works for you better.

Id say you even NEED LR in a tank just so that the fish have somewhere to chill from both you and the other fish. plus the LR will add to your filtration. LR also houses TONS of other critters like pods and worms and many other sweet things. it's not like LR is high maintenance.
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Old 06-05-2007, 06:00 AM
Salmon King Salmon King is offline
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I would change the bottom to crushed corral .As for live rock it depends on your choice.The live rock acts as a filter if not you have to go extra mechanical.You can make a tank look pretty good with dried corral.I have had both and they both look good.If you are ever in Victoria i have a ton of dried corral.As of a skimmer it doesnt matter one whay or another.Water changes of 10 percent a month is good.I would use chemipure as you only have to change it every 3 months or so.Some people think because you have live rock in a fish only tank you cant medicate.You can only you won/t have corraline algae growing.The bacteria in the rock will not die from this.

Last edited by Salmon King; 06-05-2007 at 06:09 AM. Reason: word
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Old 06-05-2007, 06:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Salmon King View Post
I would change the bottom to crushed corral .As for live rock it depends on your choice.The live rock acts as a filter if not you have to go extra mechanical.You can make a tank look pretty good with dried corral.I have had both and they both look good.If you are ever in Victoria i have a ton of dried corral.As of a skimmer it doesnt matter one whay or another.Water changes of 10 percent a month is good.I would use chemipure as you only have to change it every 3 months or so.Some people think because you have live rock in a fish only tank you cant medicate.You can only you won/t have corraline algae growing.The bacteria in the rock will not die from this.
I think the problem with medicating a tank with live rock is the rock can absorb the medication like a sponge making it impossible to get the dosage right

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Old 06-05-2007, 06:23 AM
Salmon King Salmon King is offline
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I have a 255 with live rock.I had to copper my fault .I put a fish in without quaratineing it.I had no problems medicating it.If you are looking for rare fish try Wendal at ocean aquatics.He can get anything at a good price.
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Old 06-05-2007, 07:37 AM
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in a FO or even FOWLR, like SK said, skimmers are not mandatory. However, imo they are very useful and i would encourage getting the best skimmer you can afford.

I will never go with crushed coral based on the experience of many. one, detritus builds up in it very fast. two, coralline and other algae can grow on it easier than oolitic sand making it look rather craptastic. and third, it is not good at all for many inverts and some fish. for example, if you get CC, you cant have a cucumber, or any goby (or any sand sifter that comes to mind atm). you can also never have many bottom dwellers like a shark (a long shot i know) and other organisms with soft bellies, or wrasses who burrow in the sand bed.. in my mind there are two options. oolitic (sugar sized) sand or BB.

I would never medicate in my display. a quarantine is a VERY good thing to have especially for introduction to the tank. I skipped that part my first time and im still kicking myself for losing all my fish to ich. completely my fault. needless to say, i have a QT now.

Last edited by justinl; 06-05-2007 at 07:39 AM.
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Old 07-26-2007, 05:05 AM
WuHT WuHT is offline
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Originally Posted by justinl View Post
you can also never have many bottom dwellers like a shark (a long shot i know) and other organisms with soft bellies, or wrasses who burrow in the sand bed.. in my mind there are two options. oolitic (sugar sized) sand or BB.
O dear i have a coris wrasse in there. One tough customer
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