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Old 02-17-2007, 12:43 AM
canadiandawn canadiandawn is offline
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Default Newbie - help identify coral?

Hi all. I started a 14g sw tank a couple of weeks ago and need help identifying something that's shown up in the past couple of days. Not sure what it is, but it relocates itself, almost moves like a slug and does not like the light. When the light is off it stands up. It's a tube about 1/2 inch in diametre and about 1" tall.

I got a couple of pics of it but now that the light is on, it's shrunk. Hoping somebody can tell me what this is and if it's good or bad. Thanks!!

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Old 02-17-2007, 07:10 AM
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Y'know - I'm not the best at this, but it looks like a SERIOUSLY bleached Sun Coral polyp - but I've never heard of them being able to relocate. I'm going to follow this one, I'm VERY interested in hearing any ideas.
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Old 02-17-2007, 03:04 PM
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I'm guessing Pseudocorynactis sp. or Corynactis sp. anemone (actually "corallimorph" not "anemone" but close enough). An occasional hitchhiker on rock, doesn't like light so much. Sometimes called "orange ball anemone" because the tips can be tiny orange balls. There are all kinds of species in these genuses, some large, some small, and I think they can come from both the Carribbean and the Pacific.

(If that's what is is,) they're completely harmless. They don't really spread like other pest anemones (aiptasia, majano, etc.), they just kinda keep to themselves.
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Old 02-17-2007, 03:06 PM
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Here's a good picture showing the "orange balls" tips..
-- Tony
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Old 03-02-2007, 06:23 AM
sobe sobe is offline
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I kinda have a similar one, it's growing on the bottom of one of my jakarta LR totaly shaded from the light. The LR was just recently purchased from OA . It was white and the bulb was closed when I first got it, now several days later it's more orange and has opened up with small tentacles swaying on the water
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Old 03-02-2007, 03:48 PM
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I have one on my new live rock's kind of cool...Melev's site shows exactly what we have and calling it a Cup Coral with a couple of pics. I just discovered mine...pretty cool looking.

I also have the orange ball anemones (coralimorphs not real anemones) of which are very cool too....but behave quite a bit differently than these do, spread like crazy and thrive no matter what the conditions. (they even begin to grow on the sand!)
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