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Old 12-16-2006, 08:10 PM
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Default Entire 90g setup! - Victoria (Sooke)

Typing this quick as I'm on a borrowed comp. I'm living in Sooke and with the recent power outages, have decided that keeping my aquarium is no longer a good idea.
Would like to sell everything together, but will consider parting out.
I can't post pics until I get power back, and am pricing everything out right now.

For sale:

1 MONTH old 90 gallon drilled tank. (Very nice, no scratches!!)
2 T5 lights
Seaclone skimmer
hundreds of pounds of corraline covered liverock - most with zoos or mushrooms.

2 medium sized false percs
1 3" regal tang
1 large yellow tang
1 large squarespot anthias
1 six-line wrasse
1 brittle star
1 blue linkia star
1 sandstar
lots of red and blue legged hermits

Tons of mushrooms
1 large toadstool
several misc softies

Sorry I can't be more specific! If anyone's interested, I will be posting prices in a couple of days. (ignore my sig as the info's wrong)


120 gallon tank, 100+lbs LR, 50 lbs Crushed Coral Substrate, Seaclone Skimmer, AquaClear 500 filter, 2-36" T5, 2-48" T5+ 2-48" regular flourescents.

Clarkii clown, 2 False Percs, Regal Tang, 6-line wrasse, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 Brittle star, 1 large featherduster, snails, hermit crabs.
Blue, green and red mushrooms, toadstool, 2 cabbage, polyps...

Last edited by jennytheleopardgrouper; 12-20-2006 at 02:43 AM.
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Old 12-18-2006, 05:16 AM
Reefmaster Reefmaster is offline
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Hi Jenny sorry to hear of your decision but i'm interested in all of the fish - would go together into a lightly stocked very established 135g. pm me a price or email at
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Old 12-18-2006, 05:37 AM
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Squiddy Squiddy is offline
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Aww no way Jenny you can't give up! Don't want to get a generator? How long have you guys been out for? We might be interested in some LR and some (or all of the) hermits.

Shane that's not fair you can't take them all!

Last edited by Squiddy; 12-18-2006 at 05:40 AM.
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Old 12-20-2006, 02:42 AM
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jennytheleopardgrouper jennytheleopardgrouper is offline
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I'd love a generator if there were any remaining on the island! But that doesn't really help when I'm out of town and the power goes out! Apparently my new neighbourhood is prone to long power-outages, the last one being a couple weeks before the storm.

So I'm just doing what's best for my fishy friends!

I'm going to give it a few more days to see if anyone wants to buy the entire setup before I part out. And then everything's up for grabs. I'll be posting pics shortly.

Thanks for the interest, and I'll keep you guys on top of the list if I need to part out.

120 gallon tank, 100+lbs LR, 50 lbs Crushed Coral Substrate, Seaclone Skimmer, AquaClear 500 filter, 2-36" T5, 2-48" T5+ 2-48" regular flourescents.

Clarkii clown, 2 False Percs, Regal Tang, 6-line wrasse, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 Brittle star, 1 large featherduster, snails, hermit crabs.
Blue, green and red mushrooms, toadstool, 2 cabbage, polyps...
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Old 12-21-2006, 03:24 AM
sperkins sperkins is offline
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Default Interested

Hi do you have a price in mind for the work? Also interested in piece meal prices for the liverock, lights, skimmer, sand, pump, hermit crabs, and other livestock. I'm in Sooke as well and sympathize with the recent power challenges. If it helps I've been here for 11 years and this year is the first time I've lost power for more than a few hours. If you decide to keep going feel free to PM me as I'd be happy to work on some reciprocal support arrangements for tanks when out of town (I travel regulary as well). I've got folks that can take care of the house, dogs, cats, etc but no one that knows how to care for a tank. I've only been into this for about a year but I'd be happy to do what I can to help you out.

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Old 12-22-2006, 05:54 AM
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jennytheleopardgrouper jennytheleopardgrouper is offline
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I'm thinking $1200 for the works, which includes more than what I've got listed (sump, heater, test kits, food, meds (this tank never medicated), nets, etc)

I'm taking off for a few days and then I'll start pricing things out individually. Either that, or feel free to make offers!

Thanks very much for the offer of help Sharon, but I think even without the power outages it's time to pass on my tank. (Don't have the room, or the time anymore!)


120 gallon tank, 100+lbs LR, 50 lbs Crushed Coral Substrate, Seaclone Skimmer, AquaClear 500 filter, 2-36" T5, 2-48" T5+ 2-48" regular flourescents.

Clarkii clown, 2 False Percs, Regal Tang, 6-line wrasse, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 Brittle star, 1 large featherduster, snails, hermit crabs.
Blue, green and red mushrooms, toadstool, 2 cabbage, polyps...
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Old 12-29-2006, 07:12 PM
sperkins sperkins is offline
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I've tried to PM you a couple of times but no any of this still available?

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