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Old 09-19-2006, 10:40 PM
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Default Stocking Suggestions?

Hey all,

I'm thinking of adding more fish to my current system (120gal, 75gal sump/fuge, dual overflow, 110lbs LR, skimmer, UVS, 1350GPH pump) which is currently stocked with:

Adult Regal Tang
Adult Purple Tang
Juv. Powde Blue Tang
Juv. Emporer Angel (yeah, yeah, yeah, he'll get big - I KNOW)
Copperband Butterfly
Flame Angel
3 FP Clowns
Green Bubbletip Anemone
2 Cleaner Shrimp

I'd really like a trigger or a puffer (yeah, I know - toss the clowns and the cleaners in that case). But I'd like YOUR positive, happy suggestions (no egos or know-it-alls flaming my current setup please) as to what would make a great addition to my tank.

Thanks in advance!
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Old 09-19-2006, 10:41 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Blue-throat triggers are one of the very few that can be reasonably expected to be reef-safe.
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Old 09-19-2006, 11:19 PM
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nice looking fish too!
I'm not super worried about reef-safe. While the corals are nice, I'd sacrifice corals for fish at this point.

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Old 09-19-2006, 11:56 PM
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I second the blue throats...I have a pair in my 120g that are very very cool. Lots of personality and fun to watch. BUT...messy! I think they're a really good suggestion! I have a CBB with mine too....the only worry I have had it that the CBB has to "think" so much before actually eating the food in front of it but the BThroats just gobble it down faster than you can blink leaving the CBB wondering what happened and missing out!

In my 120g I have 2 Saddleback Clowns with a blue carpet anemone, CBB, Rusty Angel, Golden spotted Rabbitfish, Valentini puffer, 2 Neon Gobies, and a cleaner wrasse as well as the 2 very small Blue Throat Triggers....oh yah-there are a couple of corals in there too with no concerns.
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Old 09-20-2006, 09:49 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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I am not flaming your setup but I think you are fully stocked. My 120 is stocked at roughly the same level as yours and I consider it full.
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Old 09-21-2006, 02:39 AM
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I am going to add my voice to the blue throats. They are pretty peaceful compared to other triggers. You could also add a crosshatch (more expensive) or a Sargassum (I haven't seen one around for many months though).
My only other comment is that if you are going to add more fish to your system you might have to make larger or more frequent water changes. Let us know what you pick up!
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Old 09-21-2006, 02:48 AM
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OK, here's the update.

I ended up with a stars & stripes puffer and a picasso trigger. I put all my snails and hermits in my 'fuge and will do the same with my cleaner shrimp (I can't catch 'em - so perhaps the new guys will cach 'em first). I'm keeping an eye on the clowns & firefish - the trigger's pretty small in comparision - so maybe they'll coexist for a few months - time will tell.

Here's an older photo of my current setup (My Sohal is now in the display tank at Aquarium Enthusiasts, he did a good chew job on a chevron tang so I got rid of both of them).

And here's a photo of the plumbing

Those photos are older, I now have a full 'fuge setup in the middle of my sump (75 gal sump - live rock, hermits, snails, macro algae). I honestly don't think I'll have a bioload issue with the current stocking level, I've got a ton of water pumping through that setup - at a level I think is overkill.

I'll send new pics if anyone is interested in the a.m.

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Old 09-21-2006, 04:37 AM
Moogled Moogled is offline
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Hi mwarf, I really like the sparse look of your tank; very clean with lots of swimming room .

I think that a school of about 12 or so chromis of some sort would REALLY brighten up the look of your tank. The reason being that most of your fish are quite big and swim of their own accord.

A small school that seems like it's swimming around with a purpose would add some definition to your tank.
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