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View Poll Results: Do you support the Vancouver Aquarium Expansion?
Yes, I support the Vancouver Aquarium and look forward to the upgrades and improvements 18 85.71%
Neither, I don't know enough to make a decision. 0 0%
No, I believe the aquarium does not need to improve and expand. 3 14.29%
Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-11-2006, 06:54 AM
Van down by the river Van down by the river is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Vancouver-Lurking in a fish store near you
Posts: 199
Van down by the river is on a distinguished road
Default Support the Vancouver Aquarium Expansion

Hello Everyone,

I will be speaking at the Vancouver Parks Board meeting on Monday night in favor of the Vancouver Aquarium expansion proposal and public consultation process. To me this expansion proposal is about much, much more than building plans.

I want you to think back to your childhood and remember your first visit to the Vancouver Aquarium. Do you remember the wonder, the excitement! The combination of fear and excitement as you saw the giant octopus sprawling across the glass. The fearsome sharks patrolling through the schools of fish. The awe of seeing these fish and animals that previously only existed in books and TV shows?

I do, and it changed my life forever…….

All my life my passion and vision has been to support and understand our aquatic world. I remember the awe and wonder as a small child visiting the Aquarium almost 30 years ago with my great grandmother. She set alight a spark that would continue to grow and shape my life, hobbies, and career into the present day and for the rest of my life.

My travels and experiences have given me a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world we live in. In this day and age of urbanized culture where we live amongst concrete walls, and are disconnected from nature, It is more important than ever that the next generation of children (and adults) have the opportunity to experience that contact with nature.

Many of us have no idea what’s in our own backyard never mind across the world. With global warming, pollution, over fishing, etc it’s more important than ever to research, educate and conserve our environment for the next generation. The sparks of the next generation of scientists, conservationalists, teachers, environmentalists, and concerned citizens are in a grade one class right now looking forward to their field trip to the Vancouver aquarium.

In celebration of its 50th year the aquarium is making many much needed improvements and upgrades to their facility. Their next phase would be an expansion to further improve all aspects of the aquarium. No new marine mammals will be captured for these displays. These expansions will benefit all users of Stanley Park and Vancouver Aquarium visitors.

The Vancouver Parks board needs to see that the public supports the aquarium.

So I am asking for your support at on Monday, September 11th at the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, 5251 Oak Street at 7pm. The meeting will be approximately 1 hour. I will be speaking to the parks board and would like to have a group of people to stand and support me during my presentation. You are also welcome to speak or present at the meeting if you feel inclined.

If you are unable to attend but would like to support me you may have your name added to my petition by emailing me at Please send your Name, Postal Code, and email address and I will include you. If you have any questions or need directions you can also call me at 778-878-2111.

I look forward to seeing you there.
James Scott

Vancouver Aquarium Quick Facts:
- It is the largest tourist destination in BC with almost a million visitors every year.
- It was the first official Public Aquarium in Canada and also the largest.
- It is a self supporting, non-profit organization receiving no operational government funding.
- Continues to be a world leader in environmental awareness and conservation programs
- Offers innovative and interactive educational programs for the community.

For further information I have included some correspondence sent to Vancouver Aquarium Members.

September 6, 2006

Dear Members, Volunteers and Friends,

As you know, the Vancouver Aquarium turned 50 this year. To keep the Aquarium healthy, and to support our mission of effecting the conservation of aquatic life through display and interpretation, education and research for the next 50 years, some physical revitalization work, which includes an expansion, must be done.

These revitalization plans began in 2005 when we opened our upgraded research facility, and constructed the new Learning Centre that will open next month. Last year, we began planning for the next phase, which includes revitalizing the outdoor parts of the Aquarium. Our plans allow us to provide visitors with better animal viewing opportunities, improve education and research programs, improve visitor flow in and around the facility, and improve the public plaza for Aquarium and Stanley Park visitors alike. In addition, the expansion and revitalization will replace aging equipment and facilities, and reduce energy consumption. As with all Aquarium plans, we have carefully designed our expansion to minimize loss of green space and trees in Stanley Park. We are proud of the unique location we call home and respect its importance in our community.

The Aquarium's landlord, the City of Vancouver's Department of Parks and Recreation, must first approve these plans. That department is governed by Park Board Commissioners who are elected by the citizens of Vancouver. The Park Board have agreed that a public vote (referendum) on our proposal to revitalize would not be the best way to determine public opinion on all of the issues involved in an expansion. The Aquarium is proposing to jointly manage a major public consultation process in partnership with the Park Board in order to hear from a broad cross-section of the community, including people like you. My letter today stresses how important it will be for you and others, regardless of where you live, to participate in the project's public consultation process.

Prior to engaging in the public consultation process, the Park Board Commissioners must first vote to endorse this public process. This vote will take place at the Park Board meeting on September 11 at 7:00 p.m. located at VanDusen Botanical Gardens, 5251 Oak Street. We encourage our members, volunteers and friends to come and show your support for this process at this meeting.

Assuming that the Park Board Commissioners approve the consultation plan, the consultation will begin on September 12th and will run through October 13th. We will e-mail and write you with specific details on how you might consider participating in this public process. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Joy Hayden at or 604.659.3575.

Like you, I am excited about the Aquarium's next 50 years. The plans that are now under consideration will ensure we remain a valuable community asset and continue as a leader in education and conservation programs.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours very truly,

John Nightingale, Ph.D.
Van for short
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