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Old 06-14-2006, 11:45 PM
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Default What a day . . . Tank Fiasco!!!

Well, this morning I was awakened by my wife telling me that there was water on our carpets!. It turns out my skimmer went nuts and the drain line somehow didn't work according to my "fail safe" drain method. It always has for the past 2.5 years. (I'm modifying it now) I'd like to know what made my skimmer go that crazy.

I assume my skimmer pumped out between 12 and 25 gallons of water into my house. My tank is an inwall tank and divides my living room from my family room. The water managed to make it's way through the floor and ruined some of my drywall downstairs. I have a silent floor system which is all insulated and has soundboard and resilient metal strips for sound proofing.

So I had a restoration company come out and looks like I'm getting new laminate flooring in the family room. We are not sure how the carpets will turn out yet in the living room. . . and I just had a company come in last Friday to clean all our carpets!

The drywall, soundboard and insulation is all coming off downstairs. Thank goodness for insurance.

Because I have a water replacement system in place, my salinity dropped to 1.018. . . . which I'm slowing bringing back up now. So far only one species of sps shows signs of stress. The rest look fine. Me on the other hand. . . I think I showed some signs of stress too!

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Old 06-15-2006, 12:02 AM
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man i'm really sorry to hear that man. i cant imagine the stress. i guess 'fail safe' is a pretty light term to use. good luck with the repairs

my tank setup
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Old 06-15-2006, 12:05 AM
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SORRY ,to hear about your trouble Bill...... water messes are the worst!
If there is any thing that I could do to help just let me know..

Ron/ Tangman
BTW, the frags I got from you are doing great
HAPPY REEF KEEPING !!______________________
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Old 06-15-2006, 12:22 AM
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Hey, I just had a skimmer overflow accident recently too! Two days ago, I came home from work, looked at my tank, then tweaked the knob on my CSS120 a twinge. I go to the back computer room for 1-1.5hrs. I go back to the kitchen area where the tank is, and the floor is drenched! Sure enough the 2L skimmate coke bottle was overflowing :S My salinity went down below 1.020 as well, in that short time.

Lucky i was home. I assume you didnt tweak anything before you went to bed though?
Tank was up for 7yrs and 10months. Thanks Everyone!

2016/2017 180Gallon Build Coming Soon...
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Old 06-15-2006, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Tangman
SORRY ,to hear about your trouble Bill...... water messes are the worst!
If there is any thing that I could do to help just let me know..

Ron/ Tangman
BTW, the frags I got from you are doing great
Thanks for the offer Ron. I think everything is under control. The house should be back to normal in about 7 days!

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Old 06-15-2006, 12:27 AM
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Originally Posted by GMGQ
Hey, I just had a skimmer overflow accident recently too! Two days ago, I came home from work, looked at my tank, then tweaked the knob on my CSS120 a twinge. I go to the back computer room for 1-1.5hrs. I go back to the kitchen area where the tank is, and the floor is drenched! Sure enough the 2L skimmate coke bottle was overflowing :S My salinity went down below 1.020 as well, in that short time.

Lucky i was home. I assume you didnt tweak anything before you went to bed though?
I didn't do anything with the skimmer last night. I've never experienced a skimmer blasting that much skimmate before in my 13 years in the hobby.

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Old 06-15-2006, 03:56 AM
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Wow that sucks

I reserve the right to hijack any thread I want to!!

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Old 06-15-2006, 06:05 AM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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Dang. Good luck with the clean-up.
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Old 06-15-2006, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic
Dang. Good luck with the clean-up.
Apparently the restoration company will get started on Thursday. It should take about a week.
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Old 06-23-2006, 05:40 AM
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Well, finally everything looks to be dried out. The final drywall was ripped out Thursday morning. They should start boarding again on Friday. So, I'm without a sump and skimmer for probably a week. Also, I'm down about 1200 gallons per hours of circulation. I did manage to mickey mouse something together today to get my calcium reactor running on the system again today.

But finally tomorrow all the fans and dehumidifiers will finally be taken out of the house. Man was it noisy in our house for the last 7 days. It looks like it will be another week before my new flooring, drywall, finishing and painting is done and things go back to normal. I will be making a few modifications to my system to prevent that from ever happening again.

Does anyone in the Lower Mainland sell those "Screamers" that have a probe and detect moisture? I think I'm gonna pick one of those up. Having one of those could have prevented what I suspect is over $5000 in damage.

Usually, I look at my tank and it gives me peaceful tranquil thoughts. Right now I feel like slapping a forsale sign on the thing.

Well that bout does it for my rant . . . needed to get that off my chest.
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