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Old 10-06-2005, 07:22 AM
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Default Regarding GARLIC...

This is a good link. Read it!
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Old 10-06-2005, 03:31 PM
RD RD is offline
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Indeed, much literature points towards topical application as being effective, and oral administration as futile. So why do we have numerous relations of success from hobbyists, after oral administration of garlic?

Here is a possible 'out'... or two:
Mastication by a fish cannot be so thorough as to deliver a fine garlic puree to the stomach (otherwise, many gut surveys in the field would be pointless), and thus stomach acids cannot thoroughly neutralize all enzyme before some allicin is synthesized. Garlic is at that point effective against at least gastrointestinal parasites and infections.

Although there may not be any real conclusive scientific data ....yet, the anecdotal evidence with regards to feeding fish allicin complex to rid them of internal parasites appears to be quite strong.

Pablo's take on all of this:
It helps to get rid of the intestinal worms and parasites on the fish. Some claim they got rid of ich by using Thera A formula, but I have experienced mixed results. It definitely helps. You can feed your fish with this formula all the time since there is no medication involved.
Keep in mind that some of the 'marine' species in the tank shown in the link below are 7 years old, and have been eating food containing garlic on a daily basis for that entire 7 years.

While I can't comment on the safety factor involving other fish foods on the market, the garlic used in New Life Spectrum is very safe, even if fed daily, exclusively, over many years.

Does it cure marine ich? Perhaps not, but I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss its use entirely.
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Old 10-06-2005, 05:10 PM
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Just read it... Selective copy and paste to prove a point is stupid.
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Old 10-06-2005, 05:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Sushilicious
Just read it... Selective copy and paste to prove a point is stupid.
I agree!

It's not a debate silly...he was just posting a link thinking others might wanta check out.

Although you know Sushilicious, Beverly has already bet you to it and already posted this article under this "Reef" forum.
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Old 10-06-2005, 05:50 PM
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how many times is the garlic debate going to come up!? bottom line is.. people will have mixed results.. plain and simple. People will have mixed feelings about it as well... plain and simple. There obviously isn't solid proof that it works against parasites 100%.

by now most people should have a fairly good idea of how garlic works. You can try it.. but it may not work, on the other hand.. it may work. There are many important factors to consider when using garlic. How badly is the fish infected already? If it's already heavily infected or really sick.. chances are garlic won't do much for you. Again, lots of factors to consider IMO ..

If you want to try garlic, try it! if it works, it works.. if it doesn't .. well then, it doesn't . IME I found it did work... but then again, my fish only showed a couple specks of ick.. a few good feedings of mysis/flake and garlic and the spots are gone (and have NOT come back)

my .02
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Old 10-06-2005, 06:57 PM
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My bad, I didn't realize that this was a read only forum.

The author of that article goes so far as to imply that garlic may even be 'unsafe' (gasp) yet offers no more proof than some of the studies he's quoting.

I simply wanted to clear that up.

Carry on .........
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Old 10-06-2005, 07:07 PM
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haha I didn't mean to make a fuss... there is just a lot of mixed reviews and opinions on garlic now a days... I used it for a while (and as we've read some people use it daily) .. I can't see any side effects of using garlic on my tank.. other than the fact that it stops my skimmer from producing any skimmate for a few hours.
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Old 10-06-2005, 07:45 PM
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No worries, I happen to agree with most of the article. The studies he quoted, and most of his comments were right on the mark. I simply didn't feel that anyone should be concerned with adding garlic to their fishes diet, in that it may cause health issues to their fish. Of course in massive mega doses it could possibly cause health issues in a fish, but so can vitamin A. Garlic has been used in fish food (commercial formulas as well as home made recipes) for many years, and I've yet to see a single shred of evidence that shows it causes any negative health issues, even when fed daily for several years.
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Old 10-06-2005, 11:00 PM
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Do you think it affects the overall taste of the fish after grilling?
This and that.
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Old 10-06-2005, 11:02 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao
Do you think it affects the overall taste of the fish after grilling?
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