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Old 06-22-2005, 08:48 PM
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Default *advanced computer users, I NEED your help.

Yes, advanced computer users (maybe even someone how has a profession dealing with computers) these are problems the beginner will not know answers to. Just trying my luck here before finding help elsewhere.

So here's the deal, my PC has been acting up lately. When I boot up, sometimes I just get stuck at the welcome screen, or I just get a black screen, sometimes it takes several times to reboot to get it to properly start up on to the desktop. Sometimes I have even had to go in through safe mode, then exit safe mode, and restart into normal mode...

Second problem, I can't burn CD's using Nero 6 anymore. I have no idea why. I have checked the device manager and my CD-Rom drive is fine, I have uninstalled the rom, and re-installed, re-installed the driver as well... (could this just be a problem with the program I am using?) I really would like to burn a CD tonight if possible haha.

Lastly, my winamp (program that plays my mp3's) takes several minutes to open, when in reality it should take next to no time to pop up. Why is this??

I have ran my NAV2005, no viruses, etc... I have scanned for spyware/adware... nothing. I have checked in my msconfig for suspicious programs in the startup, nothing (that cought my eye)

I am at a loss by now... I don't get it.

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Old 06-22-2005, 08:56 PM
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i think it might be a problem with your burner. my boot hangs if i dont have a disc in the drive lol... try unpluggin burner from ide port and re boot, see if that makes a diff.
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Old 06-22-2005, 09:01 PM
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One common problem to slowdowns that for some reasons spyware programs dont pick up is "iosdt.exe" Great little program that slows your computer down to 286 days. You can see if you have that in your taskmanager.

As far as the problems booting up, I can think of a couple reasons that might happen. 1 (Most common) Your registry is just getting old. Over time, with installs and uninstalls, the registry gets filled with crap, that can cause erronious errors like you are seeing. How long has it been since you had your OS installed. 2( Unlikely but plausible) Hardware failures, you could have started to develop bad sectors on your harddrive where the registry sits. Low level scan disk SHOULD detect these, but a clean format would be your best alternative. I reformat my drive about once a year and install the OS fresh. Keeps all the crap out.

Good Luck,

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Old 06-22-2005, 09:02 PM
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hmm, so your saying that it could be my burner causing me the startup problems as well? and IDE port... hmm, I am not that advanced yet (sait will come in there... lol) ... so does that just mean the big cable attatched to the back of the rom?
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Old 06-22-2005, 09:04 PM
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oh yeah, don't quote me on this yet, but I am pretty sure the error I am getting when I try to burn is a "speed disc error" ??? something ALONG those lines.. like I said, don't quote me.

I find this all so odd, I have been using that burner for a while.. haven't had any PC issues lately.. and usually if I do get one, I have enough know-how to take care of it myself.
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Old 06-22-2005, 09:09 PM
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the computer is all so new, not even a year.. it will be a year old in... October? I think !

Its a brand new hard drive... video card, more RAM ,etc...

The OS hasn't been on quite a year.

I don't know if the registry is the problem, as my PC isn't that old, and I don't do much install/uninstall, but nonetheless, it's a possibility.. and I will get a registry cleaner this evening... as well as search for that executable you told me about. Greatly appreciate all your input so far... keep it coming
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Old 06-23-2005, 03:00 AM
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run scans with adaware, and spy sweeper. but seriously, i dont think the bootup prob has anything to do with spyware. what motherboard are you running, or do uu know?
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Old 06-23-2005, 03:29 AM
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registry cleaners are neat. I use AA tools. (advanced administrative tools)

once you get a little more familiar with your computer, it's good to check the registry (with regedit) to see what programs are loading when your computer boots up.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run

are where to look. as you get familiar with -your- setup, you might notice programs in there that you know shouldn't be running.

but...all in time. Hopefully you're lucky and it's just the "iosdt.exe" file. hardware failures suck.
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Old 06-23-2005, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by OCDP

the computer is all so new, not even a year.. it will be a year old in... October? I think !

Its a brand new hard drive... video card, more RAM ,etc...

The OS hasn't been on quite a year.

I don't know if the registry is the problem, as my PC isn't that old, and I don't do much install/uninstall, but nonetheless, it's a possibility.. and I will get a registry cleaner this evening... as well as search for that executable you told me about. Greatly appreciate all your input so far... keep it coming
ok is there anything on it you have not back up? sounds like time to format the drive and reinstall the system instead of grabbing at straws. Spyware will do stuff and adaware will work to an extent but eventualy you just slow down from garbage (especialy if you install and uninstall a lot of stuff) if this doen't fix it then you are definatly looking at a hardware problem, I had a problem last year were booting was inconsistant, some times it would reboot on its own, ended up being the powersupply. This year I had the same thing and was about to buy a powersupply and it ended up being the operating system had a corupt file so reinstalling windows fixed that.

so I always recomend backing up the stuff you need and wiping the hard drive and install a clean windows and rebuild first. it doesn't take to long and it cleans up the left over junk better than any other program out there. if this doesn't work then you are looking at a hardware problem.

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Old 06-23-2005, 03:09 PM
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Base on what you describe I am sure you got "saser"

Saser is a Computer Virus that will instantly attack your PC once you connect to the internet if you don't have the latest security patches.

This virus is also undetectable through any other anti virus.

Saser causes bootup problem and a great slow down of a PC.

If you manage to bootup do a security update for your OS and try cleaning up your pc of any detectable spyware.

If you cannot bootup the only solution is to re-install your OS.

Hope this help Good Luck
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