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Old 06-22-2005, 08:48 AM
Dorkel Marine 1 Dorkel Marine 1 is offline
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Default carbon replacement

Hello again. I've started useing carbon as I try and stay disciplined in keeping my water parameters steady. How often do change the stuff. How long does it take to saturate. I know in my freshwater tank I used to push and if the bag started to break down I changed it. Anyway just curious. I'm using chemi-pure in one tank and a fairly cheap brand from Big Als. I surround the stuff with foam and change the foam every week. I've noticed and improvement in the waters look. But again when is carbon done;or do you change it early and not take any chances.

Thanks in advance

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Old 06-22-2005, 04:53 PM
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I use carbon as well, I find it helps to polish the water making it clearer. I use an aquaclear 500 bag about half full, and I change it monthly. Sometimes I'll rinse the bag out under tap water to get rid of any built up waste. By rubbing the bag with carbon in it between my hands I'm convincing myself that I'm prolongig the life of the carbon. Not sure if that is true though.
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Old 06-22-2005, 06:36 PM
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i think this is in some ways a personal preference.. some people only run carbon for a week, then consider it done. I personally use my carbon for 3 weeks or so, giving it a rinse under tap water to remove particles and debris and such.... I would say don't use carbon anymore than a month though.. and if you do use it that long, make sure you rinse it well at least once.
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