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Old 09-12-2017, 09:33 PM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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Default 3 week vacation - prep plan?

I'm leaving my tank for the first time (gahhhh! ) and I'm nervous because I'm gone for 23 days. Could you critique my plan?


- 20 gal, no sump, no refugium
- in-tank protein skimmer and surface skimmer
- LPS and mushrooms only (monti cap should be ok)
- tank has been running very smoothly for 9 months (touch wood)
- friend with no reefing experience is going to check on the tank


1. ATO setup with 5g reservoir and more in another bucket in case running low
2. Auto feeder setup, all friend has to do is reload the compartments after day 14 with my set amount from a separate daily pill box
3. Friend to empty/clean skimmer cup/surface skim filter as needed
4. Friend to scrape inside glass w/mag float, avoiding sand
5. Monitor for anything dead and remove (conch/fish primarily)

No water change over 3 weeks on a 20 gallon. I usually go 7-10 days before a WC. Going to do one tomorrow and one next Wed. Should I feed a little less over the 3 weeks to compensate?

Am I missing anything?

Thanks yall!
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Old 09-13-2017, 01:26 AM
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Good call on the pill box. I assume that's the FishMate F14 feeder? Good choice!

I like your plan except I would hire someone with reef experience - preferably a professional company - to check in at least once a week. That person is also a go-to if your buddy isn't sure about something.
~ Mindy

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Old 09-13-2017, 02:13 PM
ReefMadness ReefMadness is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Good call on the pill box. I assume that's the FishMate F14 feeder? Good choice!

I like your plan except I would hire someone with reef experience - preferably a professional company - to check in at least once a week. That person is also a go-to if your buddy isn't sure about something.
i have to agree with this, there is no replacement for someone that can think on their feet and make the right decision should something come up.
otherwise if you do use your friend the only tweak to your plan i would make is to make short cell phone videos for your untrained friend if you can (feeding, emptying skimmate) to save them from issues.
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Old 09-13-2017, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by ReefMadness View Post
i have to agree with this, there is no replacement for someone that can think on their feet and make the right decision should something come up.
otherwise if you do use your friend the only tweak to your plan i would make is to make short cell phone videos for your untrained friend if you can (feeding, emptying skimmate) to save them from issues.
I have had success with writing down a dummy proof list with detailed explanations. I like the thought of the short videos as it will clearly show what it should look like
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Old 09-13-2017, 03:33 PM
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Your plan is good, but I'd test out the friend on scraping the glass and if you don't think they can handle it just have them clean enough in the middle to see in.

I don't think you should be concerned about the lack of water change for 23 days unless the primary reason for the water changes is nutrient removal.

I take it you don't dose and water changes are how you maintain your alk / calcium? How much consumption do you normally have? That would be my only concern but if its a lightly stocked tank you are probably fine.
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Old 09-13-2017, 10:01 PM
philg3 philg3 is offline
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+1 for making video's. I went away for 10 days and had a friend come over to feed the fish and check on the skimmer cup and top off water. Didn't have any issues but my friend said they watched the video I had made them every single day to make sure they didn't forget anything. Good Luck!
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Old 09-14-2017, 12:37 AM
Treebeard Treebeard is offline
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Any concerns with power outages? When I lose power my big tank is OK because it is on a controller, but the heater on my wife's biocube must be reset back down to 77 because it defaults to 79 when power is restored.
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Old 10-16-2017, 09:01 PM
604reefer 604reefer is offline
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Didn't have a chance to post a reply before I left.

Thank you all! I got back last night and everything survived except for one rhodactis mushroom, which will only cost $30 to replace - a huge success! My friend was able to follow the modified instructions based on all of your great feedback.

HUGE, HUGE shout out to canreefer Etaloche. Brian bailed me out big time when my friend said I was running out of RODI water for my ATO (miscalculation on my part).

Can't thank the reefers on this forum enough since starting reefing 10 months ago, it's an amazing community to be a part of.

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