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Old 04-20-2016, 04:01 AM
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Default Kalkwasser dosing advice

So I want to take my hobby to the next level and start getting into corals. The only coral I have kept in the past is xenia and I never want that in my aquarium ever again!

My alkalinity and calcium is pretty low so I ordered 1 pound of kalk from J&L. I don't have any fancy dosing pumps but I do have a Neptune Apex and a Smart ATO. My top off reservoir is a thin, dark brown potable water container that I bought from Peavy Mart. I drilled a hole in the top of it that was big enough to put the pump from the Smart ATO inside it. The container holds 5.5 gallons but I can't see through it.

I happen to have a second container that is exactly the same as the one I'm using for my ATO reservoir. I haven't made any modifications to it.

I came across a post somewhere where someone suggested mixing kalkwasser in one container, letting it settle for a few hours, and then pouring it into the ATO reservoir reserving the sludge at the bottom. Since that suggestion matched perfectly with what I have today I thought it was a good idea.

I want to socialize that idea with the experts here. What I was thinking was using some tape to hold the pump above any precipitate that might end up in the ATO reservoir. But since then I've read posts and articles about not exposing it to CO2, better to use a kalk reactor, etc. My head is spinning a little.

I don't view this as a long term solution. But if this will work for a couple of months until I can buy a Neptune Dos system, and get me going into the world of corals, then I'll be happy.

Is this a sound idea? Or would it be better to wait?
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Old 04-20-2016, 11:44 PM
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I am also thinking of going the same route - Kalk then 2 part as the demand increases. I will be following along.
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Old 04-21-2016, 02:19 AM
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I prefer to use it in an inline reactor as part of my ATO system. But what you're planning will work too with a few pros and cons. This article is worth a read and will tell you all that there is to know.

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Old 04-21-2016, 04:00 AM
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If you do decide on something a little more permanent you could always build a DIY Kalk reactor. That first shot is the original iteration from 2010. The second picture is the improved ghettorific Kalk reactor today. You can see the patch from the first version. ABS to PVC transition glue works well on many hard plastics. This container was some kind of pasta storage thing I think and a glued on pipe fitting. The top of the container is glued onto the bottom in the second version and all access is through the pipe fitting. It has a small return pump from a nano aquarium inside. The tall pipe is where the fresh water goes in, it is tall to stop syphoning from happening. The angled pipe spills the kalk into the sump. That little DIY reactor has grown a lot of corals in the last six years. I have actually purchased a pro stirrer but haven't set it up yet. Curious to see how well it does against my cheap, probably a little better... I also went upscale to a calcium reactor.

Last edited by soapy; 04-21-2016 at 04:10 AM.
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Old 04-21-2016, 04:22 AM
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And yes Kalk with magnesium additions now and then will grow corals. I think over that time I also did some manual dosing of the big three from time to time but mostly the Kalk did the work. Eventually with lots of stony coral you would outgrow Kalk. To be honest depending on tank size and ambitions dosing is probably the way to go these days. I would say you are on the right path. I went old school on my new rig with a calcium reactor and am trying for a set it and forget setup. It may still incorporate a Kalk stirrer, not sure yet. Eventually I am going to scale up to a big tank. We will see how it does.

Last edited by soapy; 04-21-2016 at 04:26 AM.
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Old 04-21-2016, 07:17 AM
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Ironically I'm trying all 3. I'm doing 2 part. Building a Kalk stirrer and have a Calcium reactor that in going to try once the replacement part for The pump shows up
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Old 04-21-2016, 02:13 PM
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Thanks for validating that I'm not doing something stupid. I think this will be a fun way to learn more and get me ready for when I can buy a Neptune Dos in July.

So this leads me to another question. I understand that there will be precipitate in the bottom of the ATO reservoir. I suspect this will have to be rinsed out periodically. Will it cause some kind of permanent damage to the container? I.e. After I get the Neptune Dos can the container go back to being a regular RO/DI reservoir? Or would there be some kind of permanent residue leftover which would require getting a new container?
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Old 04-21-2016, 02:34 PM
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Yea you can wash it out and it will be fine
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Old 04-21-2016, 02:56 PM
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Vinegar will help take it off.

Last edited by soapy; 04-21-2016 at 03:02 PM.
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Old 04-21-2016, 05:15 PM
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@whatcaneyedo - thanks for posting that link. That gave me an idea.

My water mixing station is in a different room from my aquarium. Fresh RO/DI water is going into a 32 gallon Rubbermaid Brute container. I then use a 36' hose (5/8" clear vinyl tubing) to pump fresh RO/DI water to my ATO reservoir when it needs re-filling.

Could I just go buy a new Brute, transfer fresh RO/DI to it, mix the kalkwasser in the Brute, put a lid on it, and then then use the hose to pump it directly to the ATO reservoir? It would be easier to make one big batch as opposed to small weekly batches.
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