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Old 11-16-2015, 03:26 AM
Daframer Daframer is offline
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Default new tank what to do

Hey all I just got given a nice 150gal tank with stand and equipment. I currently have a 50 gal cichlid tank and a 50 gal community tank with barbs, tetras and guppies. I am thinking I might make it into a fowlr tank but the wife isn't too excited about about the start up cost. I would really like to try the fowlr. What would be the bare minimum that I would need to get going? Not talking about fish yet just got equip, sand/crushed coral, rocks, etc.

Thanx in advance
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Old 11-16-2015, 03:37 AM
e46er e46er is offline
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what did you get for equipment?

the bare bare minimum is water, salt, heater and powerhead point at surface for air exchange, and a hydrometer

you will probably be more successful with a skimmer of some sort, live rock for filtration, and a refractometer.

personally Id save until you can get a sump running to hide your equipment and you will need an extra heater and powerhead for mixing up saltwater a FOWLR doesnt need high power lights but something that gives you an appealing look.
a controllable outlet powerbar will make your life easier as well.

Ive found the more I automate my system the more I can enjoy it as Its not as much of a chore.
80"x36". 300G custom build

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