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Old 10-12-2004, 04:52 AM
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Default Cyclop-ezze

Just wondering how many of my fellow reefers use this product

For which animals are you feeding

And how much and how often are you using it

And what results pos/neg have you seen

Tanks a bunch
cheers, Rich

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Old 10-12-2004, 04:59 AM
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I personally use the freeze dried stuff that comes in the cans. I feed very little (a little goes a long way!). I usually mix it with the Mysis I feed (when I remember to that is).

Everything in my tank seems to go nuts for it. The fish, the crabs, the featherdusters, all go nuts.

My EuroReef goes nuts after feeding the stuff. I have to shut it off for a few hours after feeding it or else the collection cup just fills with water. Also, the cyclopseeze just doesn't sink. I have to premix it with water, then suck it in a turkey baster and squirt it half way down in the tank. If not, it just floats on the surface and gets sucked into the overflow.
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Old 10-12-2004, 05:19 AM
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I feed a very small pinch of the freeze dried cyclop eeze every day, along with whatever I feel like feeding the tank. As newguy said, everything goes crazy for it.

I just wish the stuff will stay underwater longer. Even if I premix the stuff in water and squirt it into the water column, it'll float right back up and get sucked into my overflow... good food for the refugium I guess .

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Old 10-12-2004, 06:23 AM
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I use the frozen, primarily for the acropora. I've seen almost all my colonies grab and consume this food. I feel that corals are designed to feed, and they feed on this stuff, so I'll continue to feed it.

Pros - They eat it.

Cons - Comes in really big freakin' blocks! (My LFS will beak the blocks apart, so that works)

I tried the freeze dried, but it just stayed on the surface and went over the overflow.
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Old 10-12-2004, 06:23 AM
reefhawk reefhawk is offline
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Default my fish love it

I find if i soak it in water and sel con for a bit it sinks a bit better
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Old 10-12-2004, 04:32 PM
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It's great stuff. I feed it to anyone who will eat it. Some of the larger fish don't seem to see it always, but the smaller fish go nuts over it. My anemones will even catch pieces of it. It really does seem to bring out the colour contrast in those who eat it. I even feed the flake to my FW fish and the colouration of the clown loaches (reds) in particular has picked up.

My only complaint is the freeze dried product really, really wants to float (and soaking it doesn't really change that). You have to feed it in a very high current to keep it suspended. Unless you have fish that will pick it off the surface (none of mine will). The flake product and the frozen product don't have this issue.

Another thing I've noticed is that I have to feed stupid huge amounts at one time if I want to see my SPS catch it. Smaller amounts ... well I'm sure they catch the occasional piece ... I just don't see it when it happens unless I make the tank one big Cyclopeeze blizzard. (sounds like a new DQ flavour )

If the size of the frozen is a concern (it is a bit pricey) then the thing to do is get a bunch of people together and share a brick. It's well worth getting your hands on some.
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Old 10-12-2004, 09:47 PM
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I use the freeze dried stuff as well. Only I mix it in a small bottle 4-5 slurppee straw tips then fill it with r/o water and keep it in the fridge, it seems to not float this way and all my corals get a chance to eat it
Andy, Acrylic fabricator
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Old 10-13-2004, 03:12 AM
golden69_ca golden69_ca is offline
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ive tried frozen and dry i perfer the frozen block . i have given some away and still have 3/4 of it left after 8 monthes it just keeps going and going and going best bang for my buck spent more on mysis and outher food , worth the investment.
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Old 10-13-2004, 04:47 AM
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Has anyone tried the flake?
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Old 10-13-2004, 05:07 AM
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Originally Posted by AJ_77
Has anyone tried the flake?
I have the flake, I accidentally bought it thinking it was the powdery stuff. It works great, the fish love it and as long as I hold it under the water for a sec I have no problems with it bobbing back up to the surface like others are reporting with the powder kind. I wouldn't imagine its as great for the corals though, the flakes are kind of large

Where are you guys getting the frozen stuff from? I'd like to try some.

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