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Old 09-18-2004, 03:07 AM
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Default mixing wrasses?

I have a 6 line and want to get a 4 line. In a 180g tank can they get along?
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Old 09-18-2004, 03:34 AM
corper corper is offline
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From what I have been told, no. Six line wrasses are very agressive towards new fish in general. Adding a fish the same size and color is kind of risky. If your tank is large enough that they won't run into each other and providing you have lots of live rock and places for them to hide, you might get away with it. Ask at you local fish store or try to Google the fish to check for compatability. I have had to remove three similar fish because my six line kept nipping at them. Hope that helps.
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Old 09-18-2004, 03:41 AM
Stirfry Stirfry is offline
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if you are intent about adding this one thing that i know with cichlids and more aggressive fish like triiger eel ... is that if you change the rock around in the tank it is new teritorry for both fish and this might help a bit but i have also heard that the four line wrasse is less aggressive that the six line and i agree with the prievious post that 6 line wrasse can be very aggressive against new fish

man i cant spell

let me know how it works out??!!
hop i waas helpfull
80 gal acrilic reef tank
33 gal sump
8 gal fuge
a blue water skimmer
a power jet 7000 running everything
2 artinic vho 119w lighting
1 aqua light 150w hqi mh light
about 100 pound of live rock
about 50 pounds of live sand
2 skunk\'s
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Old 09-18-2004, 05:50 AM
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I wouldn't recommend mixing a couple wrasses so similar. My six-line was very aggressive towards the juv. diana's hogfish, and they don't share many of the same characteristics aside from both being a wrasse and predominantly red.
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