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Old 01-12-2015, 04:57 PM
reefme reefme is offline
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Default Port forwarding and DNS server: From Shaw to Telus

Help please: I just switch from Shaw to Telus. Now I can not communicate between my phone and my RKE controller. Before I had a Dlink and Shaw modem and I know how to set up a port forwarding and DNS. I can only view it at home wifi under IP address. I can not view outside my house. I need to know the port forwarding and a DNS server setting in the Telus modem/router combo.
Wow! That's Crazy! Why would you spend that much and go through all that trouble?
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Old 01-12-2015, 06:39 PM
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I did the same thing several years ago so this info may be a bit out of date. At that time the Telus router had a major security hole that would allow a remote attacker to gain complete access to your network. I did not want to use their router so I had them send me a Speedtouch modem and I bought an Asus router. That solved the problem for me.
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Old 01-13-2015, 03:55 PM
makana makana is offline
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Browse to and log in. If it is still default it will be on a sticker on the router. Go to firewall page and port forwarding. Enter your LAN IP, the external port, and the internal port. Internal port is whatever the RKE uses. External is a port you choose, just don't choose a common port like 80 as most common ports will be blocked.

The DNS addresses can be seen on the first page when you log in.
72g bowfront, t5.
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Old 01-14-2015, 12:24 PM
reefme reefme is offline
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Originally Posted by makana View Post
Browse to and log in. If it is still default it will be on a sticker on the router. Go to firewall page and port forwarding. Enter your LAN IP, the external port, and the internal port. Internal port is whatever the RKE uses. External is a port you choose, just don't choose a common port like 80 as most common ports will be blocked.

The DNS addresses can be seen on the first page when you log in.
There are two DNS addresses which one do I use and where should should I put it?
Wow! That's Crazy! Why would you spend that much and go through all that trouble?
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Old 01-14-2015, 06:39 PM
makana makana is offline
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If you are adding DNS servers to the network setup then you add your router as primary ( and one of the servers from the main Page as secondary, doesn't really matter which so use the first.
72g bowfront, t5.
29g JBJ nano cube, ATI 26HD.

Livestock: clown fish, chromis, coral beauty.

Corals: Toadstool, maze brain, candy cane, mushrooms (purple & green hairy), button polyps, green zoas, GSP.
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