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Old 04-09-2014, 04:29 AM
Persistant Persistant is offline
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Default What symptom did my clowns have?

Sorry if you read this in the Reef section as I should have posted here and can't figure out how to remove it. Anyhow here's my story:

I moved my clown pair from my 55 gal to the 90 gal that was finally ready for fish. The capture was stressful for me as much as them but once they settled in to the new tank they immediately started hosting my big frog spawn. They looked fine and seemed to be eating fine when I noticed a lump developing mid way on the female. A couple more started develop and then I noticed the male started to show some white lumps. At first I thought it may be ich developing but as I have seen it before and lost a couple clowns to it. This issue was different at first and the lump erupted on the female. I suspect since their system was under attack ich finally did appear as I know it. On good advice it was recommend to start treating the tank as a whole with Melafix. After 3 days the ich symptoms have disappeared and other than some marks that look like are healing the fish seem fine now. Possible that the clowns have been too aggressive in their interaction with the frog spawn and suffered injuries?

Let me know if the link doesn't work as it is my 1st try at loading a Youtube video.
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Old 04-09-2014, 04:36 AM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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The video is private so only you can open it
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Old 04-09-2014, 04:55 AM
Persistant Persistant is offline
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Originally Posted by FishinGoalie View Post
The video is private so only you can open it
Sorry about that….still new to youtube. I believe it should work now as I switched it to public.
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Old 04-09-2014, 05:04 AM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
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Don't call me on this as i don't know for sure but it looks like ich. If it just came up when they got moved it may be from getting stressed out. i would personally wait a couple days and see how they do. I would start to get more worried if other fish started to get it. Also contact "reefwars" and denny@concept (same person) as he will help you through any questions you may have. He is a nice guy and VERY helpful especially when it comes down to ich. Hope this helps.
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Old 04-09-2014, 05:44 AM
George George is offline
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At first glance I thought you fish had lymphocystis (lympho) because of large cotton-like growth on their bodies. After I watched the video a few times, I did see some small white dots. Maybe they have both lympho and marine ich. Unfortunately diagnosis a fish disease is very hard over the 'net with photos and videos. Best to look under a microscope.
With that being said, if they were my fish, I would put all fish (not only the clowns) in a quarantine tank and treat them.
I understand not all people want to do that. If you decide to leave them in the tank, make sure your water parameter is good. Feed them high quality food (high protein food), and feed them often. I noticed one of your clowns is on the skinny side.
BTW, not sure where you heard about using melafix. Melafix is advertised as an antibacterial (even that's a stretch). Neither lympho nor marine ich is a type of bacterial.
Good luck!
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Old 04-10-2014, 02:58 AM
Persistant Persistant is offline
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Hi George thanks for the feedback. I had thought of capturing all the fish but after moving them from my 55 to the 90 I don't think the reef or corals would do very well. There are way too many hiding spots to try and net them and likely will just stress them all out just to have ich do them in…..
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Old 04-10-2014, 03:08 AM
Persistant Persistant is offline
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Originally Posted by FishinGoalie View Post
Don't call me on this as i don't know for sure but it looks like ich. If it just came up when they got moved it may be from getting stressed out. i would personally wait a couple days and see how they do. I would start to get more worried if other fish started to get it. Also contact "reefwars" and denny@concept (same person) as he will help you through any questions you may have. He is a nice guy and VERY helpful especially when it comes down to ich. Hope this helps.
Thanks for your input as well. None of the other fish have shown any signs so far. It has been over a week now. I've been told if it was spreading my Purple tang would show it first…..
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