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Old 03-23-2014, 04:52 PM
scott_r scott_r is offline
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Default Skimmer is extremely loud


I have a Remora Pro S skimmer HOB and its etremly loud? I can hear it work through out my whole house. Anyone else have this skimmer and is it loud?

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Old 03-23-2014, 04:56 PM
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Sounds like maybe you need a new motor for it
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Old 03-23-2014, 06:23 PM
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Have you tried moving the unit around sometimes the motor rubs against the glass causing a lot of noise moving the unit a little bit might solve the issue
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Old 03-23-2014, 07:12 PM
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Clean the motor , run it in vinegar and water for a day or two.
Sometimes you can get a air bubble in the pump or a snail !
Maybe you can place filer material between where it touch's the glass. ?
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Old 03-23-2014, 07:21 PM
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Is it the motor or an air sound? I had the same skimmer on my fish only tank years ago and it was loud as well. It was an air sound. IMO I think those skimmers are junk.
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Old 03-23-2014, 07:22 PM
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I'd guess the impeller is wearing out and it's starting to rub in the block, the block or base is vibrating against the sump walls, or there is something banging around in the impeller housing (snail, small piece of GAC, etc).
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Old 03-23-2014, 08:45 PM
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I had one of these for a while as well. Noise has nothing to do with the pump, it's simply a very loud skimmer due to the way the bubbles are generated by venturi effect in the top of the skimmer. I could hear that sucker from most every room in my house, even with doors closed! I'm back to my old school, counter current, wooden air stone driven skimmer which is super quiet & skims better than I could ever get the Remora to.

If you search on the net, there are some workarounds which involve placing sound deadening material into the top of the skimmer to muffle the noise.

What kind of pump are you running? They generally come with a MaxiJet as the smaller pump option & a Mag 4 or something as the larger one. I had a Mag 4 which produced one heck of a lot of bubbles, but also a ton of noise in the process. I ended up cracking the inlet tube while trying to lift the skimmer off the tank for cleaning. That's the best thing that ever happened with that skimmer, 'cause it made be get rid of it & go back to my counter current job.
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Last edited by mike31154; 03-23-2014 at 08:52 PM.
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Old 03-23-2014, 09:25 PM
RDNanoGuy RDNanoGuy is offline
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All remora skimmers are noisy due to its injector design. Here is a mod that will quieten it significantly.

-Plastic (I use #4, the lid off a cream cheese container)
-Air tube
-OPTIONAL – glue gun


1) Take out the collection cup and dab it on a piece of paper, this will outline the aprox. size of the chamber as the 1st chamber is about the same size as the reaction chamber
2) Cut out the damp outline of the paper and stick it to your plastic, use it as an outline to cut out the plastic.
3) Take your air line hose and cut on one side across the whole length (which should be the total circumference of your plastic minus a little bit)
4) Cut the first to match the length of one side of your plastic, then cut 3 more according to how long you will need, you will need a little less then the total circumference as the with will take up some space on at least 2 sides.
5) Test the square with hoses around the edges for fit in the hole; you want it tight so it should bend a bit along its width, but not too much. Trim the length to fit and the width so that it will bend when in place.
6) OPTIONAL, I chose to use a glue gun to keep the air tube edges in place; I glued the top side only so that the glue won’t be in contact with the water as I don’t know if it is harmful. If you make your lengthwise cut along the inside of where the tube naturally curls it will stay on without glue though.
7) Put it in place and clean it when you clean your skimmer
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Old 03-24-2014, 02:48 AM
scott_r scott_r is offline
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
Is it the motor or an air sound? I had the same skimmer on my fish only tank years ago and it was loud as well. It was an air sound. IMO I think those skimmers are junk.

Ya its an air sound...super loud. The motor seems to be fine. I watched a youtube video from Remora and their machine was near silent. Maybe time for a Reef Octopus.


** will look into the mod if it doesnt get thrown out the Thanks RDnanoguy!!**

Last edited by scott_r; 03-24-2014 at 02:51 AM.
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Old 03-24-2014, 06:01 AM
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I had one of these back in the day.

If you follow RDNanoGuy's instructions it'll help.

I folded up a blue towel (paper type from Canadian Tire) and stuffed the inlet chamber with it, not to the point where it would get wet though. This should deaden the sounds a whole bunch.
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