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![]() As the title says, any tips or tricks? It's in QT, which has no pods at all, but it won't touch the frozen stuff yet. I was thinking I'll go pick up some tigger pods from Wai's for now, but I really need this guy to eat frozen foods. Any tips or tricks from those who've succeeded?
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![]() very small tank and try lots of food with the flow off , they dont actively hunt in the water column. you can also stuff a small piece of liverock my small , very small mysis. ive had luck with cyclo as well in the past.
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![]() Just curious why you purchased a fish that is known to starve to death most of the time because of an inadequate food supply if you knew you didn't have appropriate food?
If you absolutely need it to eat frozen food you should probably take it back to the store as most will never reliably eat frozen food. I've been told that is why ORA blue Mandarins aren't available. They can't get them to reliably continue to eat pellets or frozen once their customers have them in their tanks. Also Mandarins aren't generally fans of Pelagic Copepods but maybe the Tigger Pods will keep them from starving? If you can keep it from starving to death in the short term you could check out videos on youtube by others who have trained them to eat. I believe Melevsreef.com has a diary of how he trained his to eat as well. It is worth trying, just remember there is no guarantee your Mandarin will respond positively. |
![]() Get some live pods. Target feed it several times a day putting a few in front of him when he is resting on a rock. They can learn that the tool you use to feed them brings food. Put as much live rock in the tank as possible. Put a bunch of cheato in. Gradually add frozen to the live and one day you will see him suck it in. The trick is to have enough for him to hunt to keep him going until he learns to eat frozen. Choose as many types of frozen (small) as you can find. Cyclopeze and roe (eggs) will fit into his mouth easily. last but not least find one that is already eating and put him in to teach him.
good luck ![]() |
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![]() Ive got mandarins onto frozen blood worms twice now , I had a 15 gal nano that was just for my mandarin and it had a lot of pods but I fed blood worms every second day from a pipet . Had them to the point where they would swim to the pipet and feed from it .
![]() oooh, blood worms, that's a good thing to try. I just remembered that my overflows have been developing nice thick carpets of hair algae at the water's surface, so I pulled a chunk out. There's hundreds of pods, amphipods, and mysid shrimps crawling around in the mat so I put some in the QT tank. So far no reaction from the dragonette, so he's either not figured it out yet or he's not long for this world anyway.
![]() I've used live white worms and blood worms. Mine seemed to go after the white worms with more gusto (if you can find them). Eventually start freezing them, then slowly start adding mysis. BOOM! Frozen trained mandarin.
![]() Well this guy might not be 'my' mandarin. At lights out, there were literally two different kind of pods actually crawling right on him. No reaction. There's about 100 of the small kind within 2cm of his nose where he's sitting now and he doesn't even seem to see them. There's zero hunting behaviour at all, which as I understand is a bad sign. Hopefully he comes around tomorrow.
On the upside, giving him live food on a living algae substrate is going to have way less of an impact on the water quality in the transfer tanks. |
![]() I have heard that they like salmon eggs. Maybe give that a shot?
You wouldn't want to see my tank. I don't use fancy equipment and I am a noob ![]() |