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Old 07-11-2004, 04:31 PM
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Default New nano

Hi everyone, I posted a picture of my 20gallon tank in the Calgary Club forum but this is probably where it should have gone. This picture is a lot dimmer than it looks in real life so I will need to adjust the camera settings. Also, I didn't have my actinic ballast wired up at the time. I will take a better picture when the lights come on later today - if anyone's interested. Tell me what you think.

- Chad
Returning to the hobby after an eight year absence.
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Old 07-11-2004, 04:47 PM
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Looks good. Can you tell us some info about it? Lighting, filtration etc..

*30g+- (24x16x18)
*Seio 620 + MJ1200
*EuroReef 5-2
*Ebo - 100w Heater
*250w PFO HQI w/XM20k
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Old 07-11-2004, 05:02 PM
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You bet bet I can .
It is a 20H that I took the top trim off and ground out the back for an external overflow. It has a 20L sump (still count as a nano?) where I keep another ~25lbs of live rock, skimmer, heather, and florescent spotlight that I run on a reverse schedule. The return pump is a blueline 20hd (might be called Panworld now). I have also added a maxijet 1200 to each of the tanks to supplement circulation. After losses I have about 645gph which I hope is enough - the sand bed is easily blown around so I probably couldn't add another ph to the main. The sump is bare bottom.
Lighting is (1) 175W xm10k MH and (2) 24" VHO actinic. It is almost all complete but I still need to build a canopy for the lights.
The entire thing was financed by the sale of my 90gallon reef. And if my wife asks, yes, I broke even .

- Chad
Returning to the hobby after an eight year absence.
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Old 07-11-2004, 11:12 PM
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Here is a shot of how the light really looks:

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Old 07-11-2004, 11:12 PM
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Old 07-11-2004, 11:16 PM
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This is of the stand and the temporary canopy I made myself (how embarrasing )

The same guy that built the stand is making me a canopy to match.... I'll pick it up next week.

- Chad
Returning to the hobby after an eight year absence.
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Old 07-12-2004, 12:53 AM
yagimax yagimax is offline
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Default new nano

Chad , thanks for giving me Bow Valleys ph #.
Was your 90g to time consuming and costly to maintain?
I'm thinking of starting a 40/50g setup soon and hopefully not having to re-finance our house to do it !
And yes, your 20g looks great.

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Old 07-12-2004, 01:33 AM
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You're welcome.
Yes, it seems like I am taking a step backwards - most people upsize their tanks. I hope that the smaller tank does save me time eg, smaller water changes, less glass to clean. I also expect there to be a financial savings as a result of using less electricity (not much less though), less salt, fewer bulbs to replace (had 6 power compacts on the 90). However; the main reason that I went with a smaller tank is that I am able to accomplish much more in terms of lighting and circulation. I couldn't have gotten 16 watts/gallon of light and 32X tank turnover in my 90gallon; at least not on my current budget. I guess I gave up size (and the best yellow tang you ever saw), in order to achieve that. Besides, I think nano tanks are beautiful in their own right, kind of like bonsai I guess.
And thanks for the compliment.
- Chad
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Old 07-12-2004, 01:52 AM
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I swear I'm not trying to increase my count with these multiple posts

Forgot to add. I think that 40/50 gallon is a great choice. I have seen some awsome tanks that size. I feel that I could have outfitted a 50 gallon tank a lot better than I could a 90 on my current budget. One thing that I learned from this project is that a sump really doesn't add much cost to the system - for example, i've lit mine with a $17 spotlight from walmart while the lights for my main cost $500. For the benefits and options it gives you, I think having a sump is a bargain. JMO ill be quiet now

- Chad
Returning to the hobby after an eight year absence.
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Old 07-12-2004, 03:18 AM
yagimax yagimax is offline
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Default new nano

Yup ! I'll be installing a sump as well. It adds stability and a cleaner looking display tank.
Looking forward to see your updates when it's all complete.

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