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Old 08-28-2013, 02:51 AM
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Default Bell made me an offer

So bell made me an offer today

Switch out my Iphone4 for the Blackberry z10 no fees added just pay cancellation of $80 bucks left owing on contract I am seriously considering it I like the new z10 touch screen but still don't know many who do have it I do like the iPhone though and padded with my iPad though combo to beat only major complaint is hate the fact of no flash player on iPhone or iPad and no I won't jailbreak the phone.

So those of you who have had both phones what are your opinions on them pluses/negatives
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Old 08-28-2013, 03:07 AM
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I don't think flash is a big issue anymore. Even android ditched flash because of issues of draining batteries faster. HTML 5 is getting into the market very quickly so flash will be history within a year or so. Plus very few websites are there which uses flash and doesn't have dedicated mobile page.

And I would take Z10 any day over iphone but not android...but then again, I am biased :P

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Old 08-28-2013, 04:37 AM
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I'd be concerned about e-mail security with the Blackberry, but I'm only going on hearsay
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Old 08-28-2013, 04:42 AM
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Personally for me Blackberry would be to iffy for me, one minute they are booming, next minute next to bankruptcy & now possibly for sale. Apple will be around a lot longer then blackberry.
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Old 08-28-2013, 05:18 AM
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Do you have an iPad? If you do then just stick with the same Eco system. That way you don't have to re buy apps.

The other issue (May be for you , or not) are the apps. If you like vast choices then the apple Eco system wins simply because there are so many users and developers go to where there are the most users who buy apps. (Yes there are many Android users but many apps have to be free because Android users are less likely to pay for apps.

I haven't used the z10 extensively, however a few fellow staff members have them and we always have to do something special for them to join the work network. It isn't standard. (We run a Ruckus system for those interested).
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Old 08-28-2013, 02:03 PM
Aikidoka Aikidoka is offline
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Originally Posted by scherzo View Post
Do you have an iPad? If you do then just stick with the same Eco system. That way you don't have to re buy apps.

The other issue (May be for you , or not) are the apps. If you like vast choices then the apple Eco system wins simply because there are so many users and developers go to where there are the most users who buy apps. (Yes there are many Android users but many apps have to be free because Android users are less likely to pay for apps.

I haven't used the z10 extensively, however a few fellow staff members have them and we always have to do something special for them to join the work network. It isn't standard. (We run a Ruckus system for those interested).
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Old 08-28-2013, 02:25 PM
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For flash sites just down load this app........ photon flash its not brilliant but at least it plays the stuff the ipad/phone cant.
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