Is this Bubble tips or majano
I have roughly 14 of these in my tank and was sold to me as bubble tip but they never grow bigger and they don't spread or split. They just remain the same amount and walking around in my tank. I had bubble tip before and they look like every bit of it but for some strange reason they just never grow bigger than a size of a loonie. I have these for over two years now and start to wonder if they are just better looking majano.
Someone might help me ID them? Attached a pic of one of the easier one u can take a picture.
~* <3 NEMO <3 *~ |
I can't help with the id, but if u like them, leave them, unless you do not like them walking around.
Pic isn't too clear, but they look alright. Don't feed them |
Looks like a bubble tip. |
Looks like Acid Rain bubble tip i have probably 100 or more in my tank.
Thanks all, so I guess they just normally say so small? I think they are BBGT just can't get my heads around every single one of them stay at a size of a coin.
~* <3 NEMO <3 *~ |