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Old 06-19-2013, 10:42 PM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
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If the guy is trying to sell afflicted frags knowingly, then a PSA is warranted. If it was unknowingly, there are more subtle and diplomatic ways of dealing with it. Threads like this are going to get everyone's hackles up and it will turn into the usual bitch-fest. My gut feeling from the sellers thread is that he was probably oblivious to the fact. I'm not part of this shmozzle, so I can't say for certain. You say he got turned down by JL because of it, who knows.

I've picked up red bugs twice from other reefers, one of them a good friend (until I learned to just dip the damn things). Both times I contacted them and politely said "hey, we've both got a problem here". Both times they were unaware, both times we helped each other source interceptor and treat the tanks. No hard feelings and I still keep in touch with them. That problem ended up building bridges and acquaintances.

If I came on here going "so-n-so's a sumuvabitch and selling dirty frags with red bugs", I wouldn't just be burning bridges, it'd be scorched earth. Everyone's gonna get all up in arms and at each others throats. So what did that achieve really?

I have sympathy for the OP because I've been there, it sucks. But at the same time, like Brad said, assume every frag - friend or foe - is carrying something nasty and its your responsibility to take precautions. Ultimately, the health of your tank is in your hands. That's why you're also not getting a ton of sympathy, not the fact that we support people selling "dirty frags".

PS. I'm not saying that dipping is a cure all. Inspect your frags as well! Look for eggs! I have a cheap magnifying glass specifically for this reason.

PPS. Not taking sides nor saying you're wrong. I sympathize and it sucks. Just saying that PSAs aren't necessarily going to get the response or result you're hoping for.

Last edited by ScubaSteve; 06-19-2013 at 10:48 PM.
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Old 06-19-2013, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
Since when did dipping prevent AEFW? C'mon guys, we know better than that...

Thanks Mike!
Dips have always removed any I've found. Not the eggs, but there are no eggs on the tissue itself. I always cut the frag off the base, dip, and I'm good.
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Old 06-19-2013, 10:45 PM
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RSP all out will take care of dirty grandmas as well.

Oh another warning!!
Wear eye protection when using RSP all out!

Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
Amen to that. Dirty grandmas.
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Old 06-19-2013, 10:47 PM
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Originally Posted by mikepclo View Post
RSP all out will take care of dirty grandmas as well.

Oh another warning!!
Wear eye protection when using RSP all out!
should've mention that. all fun and games until you get rps'ed in the eye. lmao

Thanks for the awesome afternoon laugh.
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Old 06-19-2013, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Dips have always removed any I've found. Not the eggs, but there are no eggs on the tissue itself. I always cut the frag off the base, dip, and I'm good.
Brad, with the utmost respect, this is delusional, haha. I've had flatworms transferred to my corals despite both dips and snipping corals off plugs -- ON THREE OCCASIONS. The solution? Huck all my acros into the garbage and wait three months. Pain in the ass.
This and that.
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:22 PM
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Sorry Albert, but dipping coral, squigley things fall off, check under scope, they're worms. Check frag, no more worms. Sorry you haven't had the same experience. Does it always work? No idea, I only came across them twice. But it does work, IME.
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:33 PM
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Dipping definately stuns the dirty grandmas and blasting with the powerhead will loosen their grips....

Although the eggs are a different story, they stick like hot glue on a birdy's feather even scraping them doesn't really get them off. That's why it's good practice to lose the plugs they're on. Freshcuts are always preferred.
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:33 PM
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First of all I did not say it was JL, dunno what you read and it wasnt btw.I trust my sources which are well known and respectable members here and that's why I THOUGHT WAS GOOD IDEA IF MEMBERS KNEW. And this isnt about me so dunno why you are bringing me into this like I'm craving attention or drama, which is rude btw. I think your missing the point here, it's a warning and if it prevented anyone from buying than I did get the result I wanted. And why do I need sympathy???for???? I'm confused here.

Since you dont like pages causing hackling than what do you expect to get out of your comments?I'm confused joke here.

Oh I don't keep quit btw, I fight hard for what I believe is right.

Originally Posted by ScubaSteve View Post
If the guy is trying to sell afflicted frags knowingly, then a PSA is warranted. If it was unknowingly, there are more subtle and diplomatic ways of dealing with it. Threads like this are going to get everyone's hackles up and it will turn into the usual bitch-fest. My gut feeling from the sellers thread is that he was probably oblivious to the fact. I'm not part of this shmozzle, so I can't say for certain. You say he got turned down by JL because of it, who knows.

I've picked up red bugs twice from other reefers, one of them a good friend (until I learned to just dip the damn things). Both times I contacted them and politely said "hey, we've both got a problem here". Both times they were unaware, both times we helped each other source interceptor and treat the tanks. No hard feelings and I still keep in touch with them. That problem ended up building bridges and acquaintances.

If I came on here going "so-n-so's a sumuvabitch and selling dirty frags with red bugs", I wouldn't just be burning bridges, it'd be scorched earth. Everyone's gonna get all up in arms and at each others throats. So what did that achieve really?

I have sympathy for the OP because I've been there, it sucks. But at the same time, like Brad said, assume every frag - friend or foe - is carrying something nasty and its your responsibility to take precautions. Ultimately, the health of your tank is in your hands. That's why you're also not getting a ton of sympathy, not the fact that we support people selling "dirty frags".

PS. I'm not saying that dipping is a cure all. Inspect your frags as well! Look for eggs! I have a cheap magnifying glass specifically for this reason.

PPS. Not taking sides nor saying you're wrong. I sympathize and it sucks. Just saying that PSAs aren't necessarily going to get the response or result you're hoping for.

Last edited by mikepclo; 06-19-2013 at 11:36 PM.
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by albert_dao View Post
Brad, with the utmost respect, this is delusional, haha. I've had flatworms transferred to my corals despite both dips and snipping corals off plugs -- ON THREE OCCASIONS. The solution? Huck all my acros into the garbage and wait three months. Pain in the ass.
I think if you check the frag thoroughly, dip hard, cut and then reattach back on a "clean plug", chances are you should be 99% in the clear.
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Old 06-19-2013, 11:37 PM
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I have Designer and Limited Edition AEFW if anyone is interested, PM me. Apparently none of the LFS' want to buy them off me.. *sadface*
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