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Old 02-23-2008, 11:34 PM
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Originally Posted by UnderWorldAquatics View Post
Sorry, "strikes a chord with me" wasnt meant to insinuate that I have any problem with your post, it only meant that it made me think about posts that have been made, I think your post was a good one with good points! I only have a problem with other posts that are made in ignorance and arrogance that also insinuate I am possibly engaging in or have engaged in illegal activity that is punishable by huge fines and jail should know what they speak of before making such acusations! I think anyone that has an insinuating acusation thrown their way that could lead to a international criminal investigation has the right to be ****ed off! The old addage"one should think before one speaks" rings very true.....
Sorry again for any confusion GreenSpotPuffer
Ok, I see...I misunderstood then
Old 02-24-2008, 12:00 AM
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Default More information on the colection of Clarions

Gentlemen (and ladies),

I really did not intend to start this kind of controversy.

Here is a link to the source of my information.

If I am interpreting the knowledge/gossip correctly it seems that there has been a period of time where illegal collection took place. Mexico simply did not issue permits for their collection.

It is a very interesting read. I know that the fish I have was collect under a new permit which was recently issued.

In fact the person who collected these was asked by USFW to handle the batch Murminator referred to in his earlier post


Gorgeous fish.....wasn't one of these was it?

These were collected around two years ago apparently and LFS like that either knowingly or unknowingly had to remove them from their tanks.

Now if some swam up to Canada then…well you connect the dots.

Anyways I am not calling anyone anything and I am not selling this fish any more. It is a great specimen and I watch it grow and enjoy it over the next few years and then maybe sell it to the Asian market for much more.

If you take the time to read the thread on Reef Central the collector has the market cornered on this species and is doing everything in his marketing to keep the price high including limiting the collection and shorting the demand.

This is probably a good investment.
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Old 02-24-2008, 05:04 AM
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Thank you for the very thoughtful post PHCorrect. Great links and good information.
Since this fish is no longer for sale, the thread will be closed but still viewable for others to refer to your links.
I look forward to buying some of your "for sale" fishes one day and hopefully I will be able to see this fish in person. Sorry I couldn't afford this angel unless I win the Millionaire for Life lottery at which point you will get a PM from me inquiring about it buying it
Thank you!
PS - please post good quality pictures of it in the Pictures forum. It looks stunningly beautiful and I personally would like to see more pictures of it.
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