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PHCorrect 02-12-2008 12:16 PM

FS Clarion Angelfish - One of two in Canada
It is an expensive angel due to it's isolation and related costs to collection and transport, the Clarion angel is perhaps the hardiest, most undemanding species of marine angelfishes and is only found in Mexico's waters at Socorro Island in the Islas Revilligigedos (400 mile boat ride from Cabo San Lucas MX)

It's brassy coloration and behavior make this Holacanthus Clarionensis a prize speciman for the eclectic fishkeeper. They're bold, beautiful and behaviorally comical. Oh, did I mention rare and expensive?

Do you trust your abilities with a $3,000 fish.

If you purchase this you will be the owner of 1 of the only 2 known to be in Canada. Yes, they were legitimately collected via permit.

See my avtar for image. I am curios to see who might be as crazy as me. The fish is fully acclimated and has been here for 2 weeks now.


Joe Reefer 02-12-2008 02:40 PM


muck 02-12-2008 02:44 PM

why are you selling..?

Delphinus 02-12-2008 04:16 PM

Only 2 in the country? Wow, I knew they were rare but I would have thought someone else would have had some...

How big is the one you're selling?

tang daddy 02-12-2008 05:26 PM

they're juve's 4-5 in and acclimate better than the larger of it's kind also they have more colouration when juvi like white bars etc.

PHCorrect 02-12-2008 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by muck (Post 301358)
why are you selling..?

I am selling because now I have accomplished an egotistical goal. A first in Canada in many years maybe even ever (legally). The collectors only got about 50 (roughly 10 stayed stateside and 2 came here) the rest went to Asia and Europe in a bidding war.

Murminator 02-12-2008 08:35 PM

Gorgeous fish.....wasn't one of these was it?

Chaloupa 02-12-2008 08:37 PM

What a gorgeous fish, I only wish I had the tank space...oh and did I forget to mention the cash too!

Joe Reefer 02-12-2008 08:39 PM

Wow look at all of them. Did they leave any to reproduce?

tang daddy 02-12-2008 09:06 PM

They've had these fish around for awhile now mostly in asia and have recently opened a permit to catch 50 only I guess the guy that caught them got paid lol!!

I would love to own one of these fish but I need a 400+g tank also to achieve that I would need to sell my ride psssh I'll take the turbo for now.....

The clarion,conspicious,iron butterfly are some of the top ranked fish to own maybe when I hit the lotery I will invest in these fish just the 3 that I listed will cost over 12g's oh and the butterfly needs cooler water so either an a/c room or a big chiller.

A guy had one in Van well actually 2 and both died because of heat issues how would any of you feel losing 3g's in 1 hour ouch.

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