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Old 03-19-2011, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Now correct me if I am wrong here but isnt it Law that ingredients must be listed on product in Canada?
Im not sure about the legalities, but do pohl's products list their ingredients?
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Old 03-19-2011, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Cant we all just get along.

I use your product in my tank and have seen great results with it. I have used Fauna Marin and seen the same results as well. Both good products and its nice to see it locally made.

The problem I have with your write up is this. In one breath you say your not in it for the money.
"My personal goal is, and always will be, to make the highest quality food to
promote the greatest amount of growth and just have healthy beautiful corals
PERIOD. I believe the growth and size of my corals speak for themselves."

Yet in another breath you complain about another company trying to copy your product. Of course its going to happen. You think Mr. Ford didnt see it coming with the automobile?

Personally I enjoy sharing information with other hobbyists whether they be someones private tank or major company. It only benefits the hobby when people share their experience, what works for them, what doesnt and so on. Its only when people try to hide what has been working from everyone else that this hobby with fall. Unfortunately I am seeing more and more of it as time goes on. I am not saying go hand your recipe paper out to Fauna or any other company, you have already done that by make your product available to the public.

IMO you should be proud a big company like Fauna Marin sees you as such a big threat they need to try to use your product to sell theirs. Acan Plus has seen such great results with just word of mouth along with posts here from buyers. Why not just enjoy your success instead of complaining?

Not to mention a little competition keeps businesses honest. Put out a good product for a good price and you will reap the rewards. I am sure you know this already with Acan Plus.

Now if this is a shot at someone or someones company maybe you need to take your drama off canreef. We have seen enough of it in the past year to get our fill.
I think you are just Bitching for the hell of it Ryan, one minute that you are talking about Drama and you have seen enough of it this year. Now you are starting Drama with your Post. give it a rest.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
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Old 03-19-2011, 04:54 PM
Money pit Money pit is offline
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post

Now correct me if I am wrong here but isnt it Law that ingredients must be listed on product in Canada?
I believe there is for food meant for human consumption, along with the nutritional facts. Food for other than human consumption, I don't know.
BTW this post has me interested in this Acan food. Seems the people using it are pretty impressed. I'm going to have to look into picking some up.

Last edited by Money pit; 03-19-2011 at 04:58 PM.
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Old 03-19-2011, 05:00 PM
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I couldn't agree more, the internet is full of peoples opinion.

That's the problem though, If I wanted I could state that my new "Copper lucky charms fish food" is magically delicious and that it will cause your corals to grow 12X faster than anything else on the market. With out proof let alone an ingredient list my opinion could cause someone to try said food only to crash there tank.

Back on topic I have personally used Acan+ with a pretty wicked feeding response, I know you've created a outstanding product James but I'm with Kevin on this one if you lack a label I won't buy your product end of story.

Originally Posted by shiver905 View Post
Would you agree the internet is LARGELY baised on opinion?
Youtube, facebook, blogs, even wiki.

Do you agree MOST internet fourms are just people opinions on a subject?

Do you agree the MAJORITY of Canreef Aquatics threads are about asking or giving opinions?

Do you also agree that MOST of these threads have little to no scientific proof or evidence?

I dont mind you calling me out, Im just deadly sick with a cold and dont really feel like typeing nor thinking.

Sorry about your head,
Take an advil.

Cant belive I actually started this, With my 9 post count :P , LOL
Which results though? Again this is the problem with an online forum, everyone keeps stating that it's amazing but no one is backing it with hard proof. There are 100's of people who advocate the use of "Alkaline water" and "Copper Health Bracelets" but that still doesn't turn there pseudoscience into real science.

IMO the results from using acan plus make this product stand out far above the rest.

Why on earth would he give away his trade secrets for others to copy? Company's like KFC are not going to give up their secret ingredients that makes their chicken recipe stand out from the rest so why should he give up his ingredient list. He worked hard on his formula and everyone who has used has had great results with it, personally I don't care what's in it I'm just glad it works as well as it does.
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Old 03-19-2011, 05:36 PM
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Originally Posted by asmodeus View Post
J Well I like your stuff you know that I'm sick about ACANs too ,we might as well be brothers. I called Jmes up one day and asked him what am I dong to my acans they are dying on me. i told him what I was feeding and he offered to send me some food to try out and man what wver it was i didn't care all my acans came back and the ones that were down to near death.

Keep doing what you re doing man. i support you all the way.

I experienced the same results but with a Blastomussa wellsi. Skeleton was all that was left with a little flesh deep down inside. Now look at it!

It gets bigger than that! The lights went on about half hour ago.
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Old 03-19-2011, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by JMes View Post
Some people have misinterpreted my post and blowing things way out of proportion. I was just asked to respond to Paddyod thread as he had some questions and concerns about the ingredients .
I didn't want to hijack this growth thread, so I opened a new one. There is no bashing of other companies or drama. I was simply answering some questions.
Also some seem to misinterprete my sarcasm with complaining
And I appreciate it. Thanks!

I understand that you are worried about your recipe.... but that is what patents are for, are they not?

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I wonder... does anyone care enough to read signatures if you make them really small? I would not. I would probably moan and complain, read three words and swear once or twice. But since you made it this far, please rate my builds.
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Old 03-19-2011, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by asmodeus View Post
I think you are just Bitching for the hell of it Ryan, one minute that you are talking about Drama and you have seen enough of it this year. Now you are starting Drama with your Post. give it a rest.
Ryan has nothing to gain from the sales of either Acan + or Marine F, I think his response is justified as all were looking for is some answers. I'm sure this thread will cause a massive increase in sales of Acan+ so if any of you would be kind enough to start an additional thread reviewing the product it would be greatly appreciated.

I'm a little disturbed at the blind following this product has, for some reason after Paddy's decided to stop using it people berated him for stopping and proceeded to advocate the product.

I mean come on guys Paddy explained very clearly why he stopped using it but for some reason you continue to use his thread for the promotion of Acan+.
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Old 03-19-2011, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
Im not sure about the legalities, but do pohl's products list their ingredients?

Thats what I was thinking and asked. I know non of the Zeovit products list their ingredients but it isnt even made in Canada so I wasnt sure.
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Old 03-19-2011, 06:07 PM
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Its okay Levi. Asmodeus or skimmer freak or whatever he goes by now is just trying to defend his buddy when really noone is attacking him.
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Old 03-19-2011, 06:10 PM
Aquaria Aquaria is offline
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Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
Cant we all just get along.

I use your product in my tank and have seen great results with it. I have used Fauna Marin and seen the same results as well. Both good products and its nice to see it locally made.

The problem I have with your write up is this. In one breath you say your not in it for the money.
"My personal goal is, and always will be, to make the highest quality food to
promote the greatest amount of growth and just have healthy beautiful corals
PERIOD. I believe the growth and size of my corals speak for themselves."

Yet in another breath you complain about another company trying to copy your product. Of course its going to happen. You think Mr. Ford didnt see it coming with the automobile?

Personally I enjoy sharing information with other hobbyists whether they be someones private tank or major company. It only benefits the hobby when people share their experience, what works for them, what doesnt and so on. Its only when people try to hide what has been working from everyone else that this hobby with fall. Unfortunately I am seeing more and more of it as time goes on. I am not saying go hand your recipe paper out to Fauna or any other company, you have already done that by make your product available to the public.

IMO you should be proud a big company like Fauna Marin sees you as such a big threat they need to try to use your product to sell theirs. Acan Plus has seen such great results with just word of mouth along with posts here from buyers. Why not just enjoy your success instead of complaining?

Not to mention a little competition keeps businesses honest. Put out a good product for a good price and you will reap the rewards. I am sure you know this already with Acan Plus.

Now if this is a shot at someone or someones company maybe you need to take your drama off canreef. We have seen enough of it in the past year to get our fill.
First off when a big company takes an intrest in a small company it almost always ends with said small company closing there doors. people are not after healthly competition they want A monopoly and when a company can produce a similar product at half the cost because of them having access to ingredients(at a huge discount of course)and being able to mass produce means u can get said product for half the price js product prob is
Aquaria's SPS nano

Last edited by Aquaria; 03-19-2011 at 06:17 PM. Reason: Last part sounded wrong I'm not promoting his product as iv never used it I just believe in buying local
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