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Old 02-26-2010, 03:11 AM
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Red & Orange Seahorses Landed will be about $180-$200 each.

I have pesonally been on the hunt for reds for the last 6 months.

Ken - BWA

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Old 02-26-2010, 03:11 AM
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I love the idea of a 1 year warranty as I am in the consumer position but the "neglect" factor is what scares me. Ken can you please elaborate on this, if my sea horse dies do they perform an autopsy to determine if it was actually "neglect". What does "neglect" entail, and how much appx are they looking for the colorful ones?
Old 02-26-2010, 03:27 AM
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I'll confirm with the supplier about neglect. Basically I think they just want confirmation of any bodily damage.

But as with most breading faciilities line them and ORA they will replace DOA's because of their reputations.

ORA is amazing for that, as they don't question any concerns I have.

In short, I this supplier is not worried of the odd "dead", they probally just want the dealer to confirm with a body.

Ken - BWA

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Old 02-26-2010, 03:49 AM
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I have heard of ORA doing this for thier dealers, thier products are renowned world wide and i have had this guarantee offered to myself as well for the picasso clownfish they sell i just couldnt order the limit they wanted.
Those too i have heard of blueworld also selling but missed out on the drive north.

Here in calgary they have clownfish from ora, those retail at 35$ at bigals, everywhere else they sell for 20$ or less.

If Ken says they have one year garrentee, im sure even if the breeder denies your refund i know ken would pocket the loss to keep you happy.
Old 02-26-2010, 04:40 AM
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Actually I have 2 pairs of TRUE Picasso's in stock right now still.


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Old 02-26-2010, 05:04 AM
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Those are awesome fish.
got a pair?
Old 02-26-2010, 08:11 AM
rayjay rayjay is offline
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
is everyone setting up (or already has set up) a seahorse tank, or are you just putting them into your mixed reef?? Just curious :-)
I have 5 tanks set up for seahorses now, with more to be coming online as I increase my herd.
At the moment I have reidi, erectus, comes (tigertails), angustus, and barbouri.
I raised reidi fry that are now just over a year old from fry I got from Triggz when he lived in London.
To expand on the temperature, most of the seahorses available to us are normally found in waters warmer than 74°F in their natural habitats.
Unfortunately, waters of those temperatures are ALSO ideal for the growth of bacteria, like vibriosis for instance, that multiply exponentially with each degree rise in temperature, especially after the 74 mark.
Seahorses are extremely susceptible to these bacterial infections and treatment success is very limited even when caught in time.
Long term keepers on the "org" have found that temperatures ranging from 68° to 74° provide the greatest degree of success, but no guarantee.
Seahorses can withstand low medium and at times, higher flow but need to have all these areas with hitching so that they can choose what they want when they want.
They have limited means of mobility and, moving is very stressful to them as it consumes a lot of energy compared to a normal fish. They can be sucked into power heads very easily unless protected.
Most seahorses can be stressed merely by fast moving fish, and, other fish for the most part will outcompete for feeding as most seahorses are slow, very picky eaters.
That can also lead to water quality issues that without excellent husbandry, can lead to major algal issues or coral problems.
Seahorse should not be kept with stinging corals or with anemones.
Clams sometimes will close up on their tails, causing damage that leads to fatal bacterial infections many times.
Now, all this being said, it is not all the information one needs to know, but just the most important that I can think of based on my research and seahorse keeping over the last many years.
Does it mean you can't keep seahorses in a reef tank setting? NO!! It doesn't mean that, it means that your odds of success are very low and indeed there are horses out there in such settings.
However, for every success, there are many many failures.
Just check around an area selling seahorses to see how many are still there of what has been sold.
These true captive bred ones offer the best chance of success as the ones bred or raised using ocean water, while much cheaper, have the same parasites that wild caught seahorses have and survivability of ocean water raised are normally very poor.
For the best information available for you to give the best care to your new seahorses, go to and check out the extensive forums and the articles in the library and you should have an excellent chance of success with your seahorses.

Last edited by rayjay; 02-26-2010 at 08:14 AM.
Old 02-26-2010, 04:04 PM
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Just a few pics FYI;

1 day at the breeding facility

4 days

2 weeks

3 weeks

3 months

Ken - BWA

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Last edited by BlueWorldAquatic; 03-27-2012 at 08:28 PM.
Old 02-26-2010, 04:24 PM
Red Coral Aquariums Red Coral Aquariums is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
I have been informed by the supplier.

Here is an unprecedented guarantee; they are offering a “1 year live guarantee”.

Ken - BWA
I am looking at the same order sheet and will be ordering some myself but don't see any customer guarantees.
None the less How would you handle this ?.
Since the order form shows a limited quantity and most resellers have been looking for these (like you said 6+ months) you would replace one if it dies with your stock? or.
Having a replacement seahorse sent to you would cost a fair bit , would you cover that cost or the customer?
After 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year are these sea horses going to be readily available so you can replace with your guarantee. At that point would you be refunding the customers $.
Would each replacement seahorse start again the 1 year guarantee? If so you could keep a "poor hobbiest" in seahorses for the rest of BWA's lifespan.
Would you control who you sell to (ie people with seahorse setups) there is potentially a limited supply and with a guarantee everyone could give them a shot.
These are the first questions that come to mind.
Red Coral Aquarium
Old 02-26-2010, 04:39 PM
Red Coral Aquariums Red Coral Aquariums is offline
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Originally Posted by Red Coral Aquariums View Post
I am looking at the same order sheet and will be ordering some myself but don't see any customer guarantees.
None the less How would you handle this ?.
Since the order form shows a limited quantity and most resellers have been looking for these (like you said 6+ months) you would replace one if it dies with your stock? or.
Having a replacement seahorse sent to you would cost a fair bit , would you cover that cost or the customer?
After 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 1 year are these sea horses going to be readily available so you can replace with your guarantee. At that point would you be refunding the customers $.
Would each replacement seahorse start again the 1 year guarantee? If so you could keep a "poor hobbiest" in seahorses for the rest of BWA's lifespan.
Would you control who you sell to (ie people with seahorse setups) there is potentially a limited supply and with a guarantee everyone could give them a shot.
These are the first questions that come to mind.
Red Coral Aquarium
Was that a guarantee through the manufacturer or the wholesaler.?

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