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Old 01-21-2019, 08:23 PM
Sasq40 Sasq40 is offline
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Originally Posted by Madreefer View Post
I too have suffered from palytoxin poison. Been put in hospital for a few days than had to use a puffer afterwards for 2 weeks. This was caused by trying to scrape off palys in the kitchen sink whilst running hot water on them. Than another time I was once again scraping them off a rock and got squirted in the eye which caused a chemical burn to my cornea.
Palys are extremely dangerous and the medical staff in my town had no clue what it was and I had to inform them both times of what I had.
But to tell you to throw everything out is ludacris. Whst your doin with vinegar for your equipment is fine.
It took my years to finally get the palys off my rocks.
Since your tank is pretty much toast I suggest you put the rocks in a well ventilated area or outside in a large container of water and throw in a gallon of muriatic acid and let it sit for a couple of weeks. It's only way i got rid of my palys. You can get muriatic acid at a hardware store. The big ones don't seem to carry it anymore. Just remember to have the water first. The fumes are pretty strong so be careful. Good luck. No plays!!! They're bad!!
Good to hear from another survivor ha! Last night i drained the tank for a 4th or 5th time, washed the inside of the tank out with bleach, i ended up using about 2l of bleach. I then rinse again, wiped down with a 1-1 vinegar mix on the whole tank. I filled it up again and dumped some vinegar in and let it sit.

How long did you air the house out after? We've had fans blowing out the fish room for 36hrs now. Also unsure if we need to sterilize all the furniture and stuff in that room?

Will a muriatic water mixture free? Currently jumping form -5 to -15 around here right now , so might not work great to toss it out side in a bucket ha
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Old 01-22-2019, 03:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Sasq40 View Post

How long did you air the house out after? We've had fans blowing out the fish room for 36hrs now. Also unsure if we need to sterilize all the furniture and stuff

Will a muriatic water mixture free? Currently jumping form -5 to -15 around here right now , so might not work great to toss it out side in a bucket ha
My case was just from one single rock coated in plays. I didn't air house out. If nobody is suffering any symptoms im pretty sure the house/furniture is fine. I'd imagine the muriatic acid water mixture would freeze, I did my baths over a long period of time a few rocks at a time in my basement. Than I soaked in fresh water for a week than let dry out for another week. Slowly added piece by piece over time. There is no source of any saltwater related items in my town or I would have bought new rock. But that's a big expense
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Old 01-22-2019, 04:15 AM
Sasq40 Sasq40 is offline
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I guess before I get to crazy with the tank over setup, do you guys think I need to reseal? Is it worth it to reseal? Both front corners look like this from the outside looks good but inside has lots of bits missing

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Old 01-22-2019, 04:45 AM
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It's cosmetic.
But if this is gonna be a long term display, I'd do it.

Because since you brought it up, I know it's already in the back of your head. And if it's already in the back of your head, you're gonna think about everytime you see it.
- S H A O -
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Old 01-22-2019, 01:17 PM
Sasq40 Sasq40 is offline
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Originally Posted by smokinreefer View Post
It's cosmetic.

But if this is gonna be a long term display, I'd do it.

Because since you brought it up, I know it's already in the back of your head. And if it's already in the back of your head, you're gonna think about everytime you see it.
Ha it doesn't bother me at all, I'm just concerned if it's structural

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Old 01-22-2019, 05:05 PM
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It appears you have been a little rough with the cleaning. How old is the tank? Silicon has a life expectancy. After time it will start to leak.
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Old 01-22-2019, 05:12 PM
Sasq40 Sasq40 is offline
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I bought the tank used 3 years ago, it was like that when I got it, but I've definitely taken some chunks off cleaning, but I'm generally pretty careful close to the edge. When I got home I'll take a look at tag on the bottom to see if I can see a date

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Old 01-22-2019, 09:43 PM
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If you are handy with silcon and have some experience you may want to take the opportunity to replace it now. It would give you the great opportunity to really clean the glass.

However if you are not handy with silicon, like me I find it difficult, a lot of work, and no fun. There are a lot of better things I want to do with my tank.
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Old 01-23-2019, 04:26 PM
Sasq40 Sasq40 is offline
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After the whole scare I'm auctally looking into building a addition onto our house that will extender my garage, we'll stick a "window" into the new fish room that will display the tank into the house. I'll be moving up the a 240 or bigger if this happens. If I can get the price cheap enough on the addition this will be one wild ride ha

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