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Sasq40 01-20-2019 04:33 PM

Just got polytoxin posioning. Public health says toss everything g
So just finished a long night at the Er, and myself and 5 other all have confirmed poly toxin and were instructed to throw everything away. Is they're merit to this? It's a 160 gallon but I'm thinking proably wise to throw it all out

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WarDog 01-20-2019 05:25 PM

Who were the 5 others?

Sasq40 01-20-2019 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1033587)
Who were the 5 others?

My inlaws, my wife, my nephew and our newborn, that's why we went to the Er so quickly didn't want to risk it with our 7 month old

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hillbillyreefer 01-20-2019 05:35 PM

How did everyone come in contact with the toxin? I also assume you mean Palytoxin?

Here’s an interesting article on it

Sasq40 01-20-2019 05:49 PM

Just got polytoxin posioning. Public health says toss everything g
Some how my message got lost. So here's the whole story. We bought our inlaws acreage and was moving everything all week. We did the fish tank on last Sunday and I think a anemone got shredded. On Monday everything died in the tank so the father inlaw flushed the tank with well water to remove the smell. We were still moving our house to the new place so it took a week for me to clean it. We moved all the lr into the brutes into the garage to "cook" them. After we flushed it twice and I sucked the rest out with a shop vac to get the last bit out.

msjboy 01-20-2019 05:51 PM

Just curious,
How big is your tank, and size of the living space( house/condo) and did you have a lot of palys or zoas? Were you cleaning the tank or some sort of stress on the zoas/palys? What were the symptons?

I recall this happening a couple of years ago and made it to the cbc news.
Best of luck with a speedy recovery.

Best regs

Sasq40 01-20-2019 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by msjboy (Post 1033591)
Just curious,

How big is your tank, and size of the living space( house/condo) and did you have a lot of palys or zoas? Were you cleaning the tank or some sort of stress on the zoas/palys? What were the symptons?

I recall this happening a couple of years ago and made it to the cbc news.

Best of luck with a speedy recovery.

Best regs


The tank is a 160 gallon and the living space ls a open concept house at around 1700sqft house, I did have zoas and stuff, not anymore tho lol

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WarDog 01-20-2019 06:44 PM

I'm glad everyone is ok.

So if you've already lost everything (sorry to hear), and the old rock is cooking, then what's left to get rid of?

WarDog 01-20-2019 06:49 PM

I would also add that this is extremely rare, and seems to be a result of the 'perfect storm' scenario.

Sasq40 01-20-2019 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 1033595)
I would also add that this is extremely rare, and seems to be a result of the 'perfect storm' scenario.

Yeah this week has been a disaster. We had water leaks at the new and old house house, the tank dying, and now this. I think I'll just throw my rock away. I don't want to rish my family's health trying to recoup it. The only thing I'm unsure of is if the tank it's self has to be destroyed or not if it's empty. Also would I have to get rid of my mp40ws that was in there? Can I just bleach the tank and equipment or vinagur bath them?

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