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Old 07-04-2015, 06:10 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
Whoa! Are you committed to run full zeo?
Yup thats the plan, maybe i should turn up the zeo reactor flow for faster nutrient export but im worried for some lps i have

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Old 07-04-2015, 06:19 AM
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I am running zeo and my tank is the same age as yours. I am not having any of the problems you seem to be dealing with. DON'T PANIC! I will send you a PM, but don't wait up for it. It's going to take me a while to write it, and I'm currently arms deep in my tank, lol.
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Old 07-04-2015, 06:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Roskoreef View Post
Turned up the gyre 130 to 70% alternating directions last night should help, planning on some urchins, tuxedo? I think straight feeding the tank to feed the corals aswell might be in excess and getting stuck in frag tank. I have 15 trochus, ill have to get more clean up crew going.

here are some ok photos of the frag algae,

this brown gelatenous stuff is all over

mix of all the algaes attacking my flower pot,

Some of the stuff in the frag tank looks like bryopsis. Tough to get rid of. The best thing to use is nudibranchs. Depending on the size of the tank you will need atleast 6. The adults don't do much, it's the babies that go to town on it.

Bubble algae is another pain in the ass algae to eradicate. Emerald crabs will pick at it but it's still hard to get them to take care all of it, plus like all crabs they are opportunists, why work for food when you can get fast food.

Tuxedo urchin is awesome, couple of smaller size ones will do just fine. Not along they eat algae the also clean the surface of your rocks to allow better filtration capacity. Down side is they do pick up a lot of loose frags and anything that's not glued down including an occasion snail or two.

Try it with more flow first, the cheapest resolution add a couple of urchins and go from there. Stop dosing amino and anything that can link to extra nutrient.

Lastly, manual removal is also a good way to contain an outbreak.

Good luck bud. With some hard work and determination you can and will beat it.
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Old 07-04-2015, 06:30 AM
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Forgot about the cyano (red slimy stuff) blow it off with Turkey baster right before you do a water change, throw a sock on it and let it catch the floaties. Suck out as much with your water change.

P.S. Don't break those bubble algae or it will spread everywhere.
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Old 07-04-2015, 07:07 AM
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I am reading your build thread to get up to date on your set-up. I hate to say it, but you've broken almost every rule in regards to running zeovit. Still processing it all. Like I said, don't panic, you can recover.

Everything Bblinks has said is spot on, that's some good advice right there.

It would help if you could please post ALL your current parameters. Thanks.
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Old 07-05-2015, 03:01 AM
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Default Sea Hares

I just saw some sea hares at J&L today, July4th.

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Old 07-05-2015, 05:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Roskoreef View Post
coral booster <----
pols xtra <----
macroelements <---- not sure about this one
sponge power
flouride/iodine complex <----
coral vitalizer <----
zeospur once a month
b-balance at daily doseage per week instead <----

lately have been trying zeo's cyano mixes (bio mate and zeozym, also coral snow with zeobac) because i ran out of cyanoclean.

all at recommended dosage, which ones are particularly algae fueling?
I pointed arrows are them above.

FWIW, I've had better luck using Prodibio BioClean for algae issues than any zeovit additives, but if you're wanting to stay committed then maybe Warren has some ideas for you. I agree that you're breaking the Zeo "rules", which is working against you rather than for you.
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Old 07-06-2015, 12:12 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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ok update, what i did in the last few days,

first thing, put on socks....later in the day put on filter socks,

-took all the branch out that was holding up the eggcrate, stuff collecting around it..put some magnets from frag racks underneath the corners, works ok..

-turned up flow on gyre 130 in frag tank to 100%

-manually removed as much algae as possible, blew off any cyano, and left bubble algae alone in both tanks

-30hr blackout in frag tank

-then reduced light in frag tank to 6hrs T5 - 7 Bulb

- feeding way less, target feeding corals without flow...have been feeding less cyclopeeze and am considering not feeding it a all. Im pretty sure all the deitrus in both tanks is moestly cyclop...

-halved feeding amout in main tank

-after feeding i have been doing daily 10 gallon water changes and vacuuming up anything.

-halved additive dosing for this week, will stop most completly for a bit... it doesnt feel right to cut off most of what i was dosing for the last while, Ithing the corals would probably be better tapering off everything.

results -

Brown slimy stuff in frag tank pretty much gone, i think the eggcrate is "new" maybe could be the reason of the brown stuff.

cyano has come back a little bit here and there, i just keep blasting it whenever i have time, seems to be under control-ish.

bubble algae remains the same..all over in small batches, not really growing but it would take another 5- 10 crabs to get it done i think.

As for possibly considering dropping UV, i dont have a sand bed at all anymore, what else would be anti-zeo?

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Old 07-06-2015, 04:08 AM
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At this point I would recommend you solicit some advice from G. Alexander on the Zeovit forum. Your case is very specific and I wouldn't want to give you the wrong advice.

You should not be running uv, gfo, or any aggressive carbon like ROX. Until you reach ULNS, you should only be using Start, Bak, sponge power and the stones. Nothing else.

Zeovit is a very finicky system, where changes should be made over weeks or months, not days. Plus, the use of dry rock is going to slow the process of reaching ULNS considerably.
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Old 07-06-2015, 04:15 AM
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Originally Posted by WarDog View Post

You should not be running uv, gfo, or any aggressive carbon like ROX. Until you reach ULNS, you should only be using Start, Bak, sponge power and the stones. Nothing else.

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