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Old 07-04-2015, 03:02 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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Originally Posted by Bblinks View Post
There are all kinds of algae out there so we need to nail down what it is you are trying to combat.

First, I would start by getting a couple of urchins and let them go at it for a bit.

Second, crank up the flow. I had the same issue with the frag tank even though it was sharing the same sump as the spotless main tank. The issue here is due to lack of flow, nutrient gets trapped in the frag tank which in turn feeds the algae growth sorta acting like a algae scrubber for the main tank.

Lastly, clean up crew like Mexican turbos and some trochus (think thats how you spell it).

Show me a pic please.
Turned up the gyre 130 to 70% alternating directions last night should help, planning on some urchins, tuxedo? I think straight feeding the tank to feed the corals aswell might be in excess and getting stuck in frag tank. I have 15 trochus, ill have to get more clean up crew going.

here are some ok photos of the frag algae,

this brown gelatenous stuff is all over

mix of all the algaes attacking my flower pot,

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Old 07-04-2015, 03:09 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
Which Zeovit additives are you using? I'd stop dosing any that wi help fuel algae until you have that under control.
coral booster
pols xtra
sponge power
flouride/iodine complex
coral vitalizer
zeospur once a month
b-balance at daily doseage per week instead

lately have been trying zeo's cyano mixes (bio mate and zeozym, also coral snow with zeobac) because i ran out of cyanoclean.

all at recommended dosage, which ones are particularly algae fueling?

Last edited by Roskoreef; 07-04-2015 at 03:15 AM. Reason: forgot stuff..
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Old 07-04-2015, 03:10 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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DT Algae

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Old 07-04-2015, 03:44 AM
AquaAddict AquaAddict is offline
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Perhaps stop all dosing except the essentials to balance pH, kH, Ca and Mg.

Lower light levels if possible and reduce hours

Get a Tang, especially a Kole Tang - super algae eater.

Use Instant Ocean's Natural Nitrate Reducer which settles into the nooks and crannies where nitrates like to hang out. This is my favourite product.

Use RowaPhos to reduce phosphates as all tanks have phosphates no matter what - another favourite product

Good ideas already mentioned that I like are: spot feeding and lots of circulation.

Good Luck and persevere; you have a great tank and will be beautiful.

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Old 07-04-2015, 04:51 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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Originally Posted by AquaAddict View Post

Perhaps stop all dosing except the essentials to balance pH, kH, Ca and Mg.

Lower light levels if possible and reduce hours

Get a Tang, especially a Kole Tang - super algae eater.

Use Instant Ocean's Natural Nitrate Reducer which settles into the nooks and crannies where nitrates like to hang out. This is my favourite product.

Use RowaPhos to reduce phosphates as all tanks have phosphates no matter what - another favourite product

Good ideas already mentioned that I like are: spot feeding and lots of circulation.

Good Luck and persevere; you have a great tank and will be beautiful.


yeah, im thinking slowly reduce most additives daily until i can fiure out whats happening.

have a yellow eye kole tang and yeah he keeps the dt pretty tidy except for cyano and bubble.

Im reluctant to use any more filtration/phosphate/nitrate reducing methods as im already messing with the zeovit guidelines by running UV aswell..

probably going to stop feeding cyclopeez aswell, maybe too messy..
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Old 07-04-2015, 04:54 AM
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How long exactly has this tank been running?
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Old 07-04-2015, 04:59 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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Originally Posted by WarDog View Post
How long exactly has this tank been running?
tank got wet early january, just about 7 months
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Old 07-04-2015, 05:24 AM
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Whoa! Are you committed to run full zeo?
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Old 07-04-2015, 05:52 AM
Skim Skim is offline
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Wow, it sounds like there is more supplements then there is water.
A few questions and some suggestions. First STOP THE SUPPLEMENTS ALL and no water change right now as you just add more trace elements when you do.
Drop the T-5's to 6 hr you can decrease more if you have to. Leave LED's at 8 hrs. I see you have Emeralds, get 2 Sea Hares if one is bigger put it in the Main and smaller in the Frag. From the pic's and the way your rock looks your tank does not look like its been running for long, how old is the set up?
This next one should get a few comments, drop one of the skimmers if it was me I would drop the 400 gal and keep the 225 and clean it everyday to keep the neck clean. You have Cyno and that's a bacteria and you don't have enough " dum to say but good bacteria " pick up some Microbacter 7 you would need the 2L bottle. You did not mention PH or Nitrate this info would help. I don't know if you are running GFO or GAC but you will need to get some. I would recommend a high capacity GFO and TLF Hydro Carbon " only carbon to ever test 0 for phosphate " and when I said pick some up I don't me little jars you can get TLF carbon in a small bucket and if you go with Rowa you can get the 5 Kg bucket. You will also need 2 reactor you could get away with the TLF 150's, and you will need some filter floss. Go to Walmart and pick a big bag of pillow stuffing just make sure it say's 100 polyester and there is no anti mold or any type of additive. You will also need a power head I recommend the Colbalt 1200 and 1/2" tubing and a 1/2" ball valve to put in line to slow the flow. OK you want to use 2 cups Hydro carbon in one reactor and 2 cups GFO as a starting point. Put some filter floss on top of the GFO specially if you use Rowa as much of it is fine and will wash away. The flow should not be more then 100 Gal for your system if the flow is too high you will not absorb much phosphate but you will lose ALK. This is key and many do not understand this and think faster is better. If you are using GFO now then I know why your ALK is on the low side and you have like no coralline algae. The other thing I just thought of, pick up some filter socks not the felt ones get the 200 or 300 micron Poly type as the Algae dies the socks will catch the algae and they are easier to clean. Lastly, patience. This will take time because your rock is full of it and your substrate is full it. It being Phosphate.

I hope this may be some help, and good luck!

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Old 07-04-2015, 06:03 AM
Roskoreef Roskoreef is offline
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Originally Posted by Skim View Post
Wow, it sounds like there is more supplements then there is water.
A few questions and some suggestions. First STOP THE SUPPLEMENTS ALL and no water change right now as you just add more trace elements when you do.
Drop the T-5's to 6 hr you can decrease more if you have to. Leave LED's at 8 hrs. I see you have Emeralds, get 2 Sea Hares if one is bigger put it in the Main and smaller in the Frag. From the pic's and the way your rock looks your tank does not look like its been running for long, how old is the set up?
This next one should get a few comments, drop one of the skimmers if it was me I would drop the 400 gal and keep the 225 and clean it everyday to keep the neck clean. You have Cyno and that's a bacteria and you don't have enough " dum to say but good bacteria " pick up some Microbacter 7 you would need the 2L bottle. You did not mention PH or Nitrate this info would help. I don't know if you are running GFO or GAC but you will need to get some. I would recommend a high capacity GFO and TLF Hydro Carbon " only carbon to ever test 0 for phosphate " and when I said pick some up I don't me little jars you can get TLF carbon in a small bucket and if you go with Rowa you can get the 5 Kg bucket. You will also need 2 reactor you could get away with the TLF 150's, and you will need some filter floss. Go to Walmart and pick a big bag of pillow stuffing just make sure it say's 100 polyester and there is no anti mold or any type of additive. You will also need a power head I recommend the Colbalt 1200 and 1/2" tubing and a 1/2" ball valve to put in line to slow the flow. OK you want to use 2 cups Hydro carbon in one reactor and 2 cups GFO as a starting point. Put some filter floss on top of the GFO specially if you use Rowa as much of it is fine and will wash away. The flow should not be more then 100 Gal for your system if the flow is too high you will not absorb much phosphate but you will lose ALK. This is key and many do not understand this and think faster is better. If you are using GFO now then I know why your ALK is on the low side and you have like no coralline algae. The other thing I just thought of, pick up some filter socks not the felt ones get the 200 or 300 micron Poly type as the Algae dies the socks will catch the algae and they are easier to clean. Lastly, patience. This will take time because your rock is full of it and your substrate is full it. It being Phosphate.

I hope this may be some help, and good luck!

Sorry should have mentioned, plan is to run full zeovit, have been the whole time...thus alk of 7 or so goal and ph is 8.08-8.32

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