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Old 01-31-2010, 06:27 AM
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Originally Posted by GongShow View Post
perfectly fine the salint is 1.030 and it has a nano koralia for flow its only a ten gallon and there is a two other fish that are doing fine
1.030 for salinity? That's a bit high...
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013
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Old 01-31-2010, 07:16 AM
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I agrae the sal is way high that would deffinitly shock him shoul be between 1.023 and 1.027. Hight sal can kill faster than low sal the fish have to wrk so much harder to echange the water content in their bodies and the higher the sal the less O2 it will hold also higher temp will hold less O2... I keep mine at 1.024 - 1.0245 on the nose... fish corals are happy. I did try higher but softies didn' like it much, you have to find a happy medium and for my tank it seems to be 1.024. I have seen fish in high sal tanks that start losing some of their color just a sign of stress..

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Old 01-31-2010, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by bvlester View Post
I agrae the sal is way high that would deffinitly shock him shoul be between 1.023 and 1.027. Hight sal can kill faster than low sal the fish have to wrk so much harder to echange the water content in their bodies and the higher the sal the less O2 it will hold also higher temp will hold less O2... I keep mine at 1.024 - 1.0245 on the nose... fish corals are happy. I did try higher but softies didn' like it much, you have to find a happy medium and for my tank it seems to be 1.024. I have seen fish in high sal tanks that start losing some of their color just a sign of stress..


I also agree the salinity is too high, 1.024 to 1.025 would be better. Personally I'd slowly lower to 1.022 for a few days until the fish adjusted, then slowly raise it back up to 1.024-1.025 but not any higher then that.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie
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