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Old 08-20-2007, 10:15 PM
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It sounds strange but the best thing i have done is let the fish battle the ick out. I have never removed a fish or treated it for ick, rather hoping it wins the battle itself. To this point in my fish keeping i have not lost one. I think the benefit is that you do not put more stress on a fish that is already stressed.

Just my opinion

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Old 08-20-2007, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by fishytime View Post
Um .... I thought ick was allways present in the tank? Its when a fish becomes stressed or weak that the parasite can take hold. Am I wrong?
It is possible to have an ich free tank, it just takes a bit of extra work on the hobbiests part to keep it that way

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Old 08-20-2007, 10:55 PM
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I know this is controversial and not proven by any stretch, but have you tried soaking the food in garlic?

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Old 08-20-2007, 11:53 PM
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I have

They are always feed garlic and selcon soaked foods.

So the update. I have now lost my 6 line and skunk clown. So i am left with the flagfin, regal angel, and the cleaner wrasse. I dumped all the water in the hospital tank. Put in new stuff and tried seachems paraguard. We'll low and behold the breathing slowed down and they are eating dinner. soooo i don't know what it is or what it was but i am crossing fingers as to maybe i will beat this.
Although the rest i will truly miss as they all had great personality this regal angel is one i do not want to lose. Not your typical regal and has ate from day one. Eats everything and anything. And after losing one regal to not eating i think that losing her will throw me over the edge...

So thank-you for all the support and suggestions and hopefully this will be it

And to note this is one mean strain of ick. I have fought ick and brooke before but nothing compares to this. I have read that there were mean cases of it going around but my god.My total lose ended up being 6 in 3 days. And what is odd is when the 2 anthias went they went at pretty much the same time. They both ate dinner and 30 min later both were together in the back side by side dead.They were a couple for 18 months as they were 2 of my first fish in my 130.

Sorry for going on its funny how attached to your fish you become.

It is a sad day at our house

Thanks again everyone.

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Old 08-21-2007, 02:35 AM
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I'm so sorry for your losses, I really hope your other fish make it.
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Old 08-21-2007, 03:07 AM
Edmonton Eskimo Edmonton Eskimo is offline
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that sounds more like velvet than ick. Looks the same but velvet kills much quicker. I lost a few fish to a velvet outbreak when I thought it was ick. Treatments must be applied quickly and I think copper is the only successful treatment as hypo doesn't work very good on velvet. Just a thought
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Old 08-21-2007, 04:38 AM
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There is a strong strain of ich the thing is you have to catch it before it has a chance to get really bad the first time was a few months back wiped out the whole tank but if you start the treatments sooner the results are much better. Angels are tough and have a huge appetite I have faith that your regal will survive keep it in the copper for a week and a bit after that do little water changes on the tank and wait for the ich to settle in your main display all you can do is garlic extreme in your main tank also turn up the heat.
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Old 08-21-2007, 12:11 PM
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I found recently that adding vitaminc to the garlic selcon soaked food helped.My purple tang was covered in white spots more than i've ever seen.With that increasing the ttank temp speeds up the icks lifecycle.The key is to feed the fish as much as possibly.3-4 times a day
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Old 08-23-2007, 06:13 PM
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Okay we'll here is the latest update.

I have no idea what this is. I am down to my flagfin and regal and i am pretty sure the regal Angel will die today. When in the quarintine tank yesterday hey started freakin out but he was the only one. So in a moment of desperation my wife pulled him out and reacclimitated him to the main tank and put him back in. Thinking that at least if he dies it would be at

So he didn't look to bad but when we look at him today you can see his lateral line almost coming through his skin on both sides?
What is up with that? He is still eating and was eating like a pig untill yesterday so it is not like he is starving to death. I just don't get what is going on.

I am thinking a bad case of brooke? Or some funky bacteria or disease wiping a whole tank out.

The flagfin the one i thought was going to make it is now losing his colour again so i give him a day max as that what seems to happen to all the rest. All good and then one day within a couple hours they are dead.

The only one that is showing no signs of anything and never has is the cleaner wrasse. Still going strong and never skipped a beat through all of this.

So in the end i think i will lose the entire tank

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Old 08-23-2007, 07:10 PM
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So sorry....uggh.

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