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Old 08-11-2005, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by muck
Some puppies are a lot more than others for sure.
You should just get a boxer instead. More dog for the price..
more dog...less life span though.
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Old 08-11-2005, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by fishface
Originally Posted by muck
Some puppies are a lot more than others for sure.
You should just get a boxer instead. More dog for the price..
more dog...less life span though.
Average lifespan for both breeds is 10 - 12 years.
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Old 08-11-2005, 10:35 PM
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Originally Posted by muck
Some puppies are a lot more than others for sure.

You should just get a boxer instead. More dog for the price..

Yeah boxers are nice, thats for sure. But need a hole lotta fence to keep them in. Besides I wanta be one of these silly people and dress my doggie up. I seen this hawaiian doggie shirt that would be hilarious on a boston and so cute I may add. KIDDING! O.h maybe not. The breeders did tell me these doggies can get sun burn. See I wouldn't be being cruel. If would just give you guys a excuse to laugh at me O.k dont comment on that one.

~ LeeWorld ~

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Old 08-12-2005, 06:20 AM
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I want a miniature dachshund. Is that wrong? They are so cute.

yes, I am a guy... they are damned cute! but you have to see these dogs run! it's hilarious! And they can run around the track at least 8x - I know cuz I dog sat a mini dachs and it out ran me on the track!

Really smart and well behaved dogs too - we know two couples with them.

Now, the boston terrier actually was a dog I wanted, but my wife says they look mean? So I don't get one
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Old 08-12-2005, 07:14 AM
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Different breeds have their propensity for certain problems. You bring up the dachshund and there is another example, as their backs can be very bad.

The important thing to do when buying any breed is to know what the potential problems are and find a breeder who can provide some kind of guarantee. Chances are these people have carefully eliminated dogs with problems from the pedigree.
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Old 08-12-2005, 01:31 PM
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We purchased a minature dachshund from a reputable breeder in the USA to avoid back problems. He ended up with all kinds of problems.

Our other mini, who is now 16 yrs. old and the only problems are related to his old age, {everything leaks}, we found in a local pet store in a small Manitoba town, when on vacation. We later found out the place he came from was shut down as a puppy mill.

Just shows, ya never know.
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Old 08-12-2005, 04:08 PM
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If you like small "bull" breed terriers I'd go with a staffordshire bull terrier; they're cheaper and with the exception of skin problems (most short haired dogs) are much more healthy dogs. They're awesome with people, especially kids and with proper socialization with other dogs are a wonderful member of the family.

lusus naturae
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Old 08-12-2005, 10:08 PM
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I have the best boston terrier - Buddy is 16 pounds (the mid-sized model). I bought him 8 years ago from this home just outside of Sherwood Park. He is my absolute favorite of all time! Huge personality, no genetic defects - his eyes aren't bulgy, is in perfect shape. Vet visits have only been for: 1 cold required antibiotics; regular shots; 1 cut eye (he attacked a much bigger dog and lost!) The vet says it's a pleasure to see such a healthy dog, even his teeth are perfect! Snores like a drunken sailor - snorts around the house, always know where he is. He is still as playful as a puppy. Very smart - "cat" smart . . . knows exactly what I'm talking about and pretends he doesn't if he's not interested. Very clean. If you want to meet him, see what they're really like, pm me - we'll get together. Buddy loves everyone except dogs bigger than him! I highly recommend boston terriers, very easy to keep, no real grooming required!
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Old 08-21-2005, 03:17 AM
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Originally Posted by snailbuddy
If you want to meet him, see what they're really like, pm me - we'll get together. Buddy loves everyone except dogs bigger than him! I highly recommend boston terriers, very easy to keep, no real grooming required!

Hey Snail buddy, thanks for the reply! WooHOO! Finally someone that owns one of these cool doggies. Do you have any pictures of buddy you could share. I would love to meet him.

Curiousity but... Where the heck did you get your Buddy from. I have only found one breeder /place in Andrew, Alberta so far that carries this breed (Boston Terrier) and this breeder I think is a a puppy mill. I have never in all my life seen over 100 of the same dogs in one place. It was crazy and to believe she only had two for sale. at $1,350.00-$1,450.00 a puppy! Looking for other breeders. I dont even care if I have to go all the way to Calgary to get. Any suggestions? I have searched the web high and low.. I think.

Just for kicks...I found this whacky web site of a web cam hooked up to a Boston terrier puppy bed. It post it as NUDE LIVE PUPPIES... so waiting to see when you see the a dog though. One things for sure you can tell the owners are crazy about their dogs. Funny website to. Check it out

~ LeeWorld ~

"Not using a quarantine tank is like playing Russian roulette. Nobody wins the game, some people just get to play longer than others." - Anthony Calfo
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Old 08-21-2005, 04:03 PM
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Well, I got Buddy from a place just outside Sherwood Park for $175.00 eight years ago. I had given up trying to find a Boston, and was calling the breeder about her pugs. Told her I was originally looking for a Boston, and she happened to have one BT puppy, 7 months old, that no one seemed to want because he wasn't show quality. For that price, I got no papers, had to sign an agreement that he would be neutered. No problem! I'll try to find the info for you - I should have it somewhere! With any luck, she may still be into BTs! If all else fails, my sister has many dog connections, and we may be able to track one down for you. Puppy mills are very, very bad - can't go that route!

Yes, you are welcome to come and visit Buddy - I'll pm my phone and pictures to you. Will have to check out that website - sounds like fun! He really is the best little dog - even the vet marvels at how perfect Buddy is physically - amazing since he eats whatever and how much he wants, sleeps and lays around, races like a maniac . . .
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