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Old 10-19-2014, 02:51 AM
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Originally Posted by neoh View Post
I had an angel fish get the taste of clam and killed it in the matter of minutes. So I brought the angel to the lfs immediately afterwords!
None I have bother them. Once reason I never added the coral beauty I wanted so much.

Originally Posted by toxic111 View Post
I lost mine after it doing well & growing well for 3 years... it sucks big time..
Sucks big time is putting it lightly.

Originally Posted by The Guy View Post
I had a squamosa that was good for several months, then one day it was wide open and dead. I think it was being attacked from the bottom by ?? not sure though. Anyway it's a p*****f when it happens, so I stay away from them now.
Ya me to except for what I have left
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Old 10-19-2014, 05:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Skim View Post
I know from the past if you have Bristle worms your Clams will usually die, they drill there way in from the bottom and eat the Clam from the inside. What a way to go.
Anyhow sorry to hear of your loss. Like I said I have lost some beauties in the past all to Bristle Worms once they get a taste the rest are doomed.

All the best.

FWIW, I've had my clam for nearly 4 years, first as a teeny tiny little baby clam in a 4 gallon pico, then as one of the first inverts in my big tank.

By weight, I'd say half the biomass in my tank is bristle worm. My clam is happy as a, well, clam.
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Old 10-19-2014, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by asylumdown View Post
FWIW, I've had my clam for nearly 4 years, first as a teeny tiny little baby clam in a 4 gallon pico, then as one of the first inverts in my big tank.

By weight, I'd say half the biomass in my tank is bristle worm. My clam is happy as a, well, clam.
Yeah I have a squammie now for a few years and it's been in a couple systems all of which have bristle worms and its still going strong .I'm sure they love a dying meal but they don't seem to do any harm to a healthy one.....not the typical worms I have anyways
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Old 10-19-2014, 06:23 PM
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I suppose I should have caveated that statement. To my untrained eyes it looks like I have two different species of bristle worm in my tank. I even triggered a mass spawning of them cleaning the tank last weekend (not sure what I did but holy crap was it impressive). There's dozens of other species of 'bristle worm', so what might be true for the kinds in my tank might not be true of another species someone might have brought home on their rocks. Maybe there's a kind that likes to munch clams and I've just been lucky so far.
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Old 10-19-2014, 07:02 PM
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I was just saying what happened to my Clams and I had them for quite a while and one day noticed one was opening and closing a lot and I could inside and there was Bristle worms inside, when I pick it up there was bunch of little ones on the bottom. After that one died it was not long before the other 2 went the same way. If they ever get the taste look out I guess its just like with Angles.
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Old 10-19-2014, 07:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Skim View Post
I was just saying what happened to my Clams and I had them for quite a while and one day noticed one was opening and closing a lot and I could inside and there was Bristle worms inside, when I pick it up there was bunch of little ones on the bottom. After that one died it was not long before the other 2 went the same way. If they ever get the taste look out I guess its just like with Angles.
If I pick up anything in my tank, there's several bristle worms underneath it. I suspect what you saw with the bristle worms inside the shell was them eating already dead or dying tissue, or just hiding in the cavity. If the clam was hanging on by a thread they could probably push it over the edge though.

There was a rash of clams spontaneously dying on people a while back if I remember correctly. People suspected a disease had made it in to the chain of custody most marine animals pass through. Had you added anything or another clam in the weeks leading up to their demise?
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Old 10-19-2014, 10:38 PM
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Originally Posted by asylumdown View Post
If I pick up anything in my tank, there's several bristle worms underneath it. I suspect what you saw with the bristle worms inside the shell was them eating already dead or dying tissue, or just hiding in the cavity. If the clam was hanging on by a thread they could probably push it over the edge though.

There was a rash of clams spontaneously dying on people a while back if I remember correctly. People suspected a disease had made it in to the chain of custody most marine animals pass through. Had you added anything or another clam in the weeks leading up to their demise?
Just the three I purchased from the BC seller. One I sold, the other two are fine.
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Old 10-19-2014, 10:42 PM
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This is the one lost. It was my nicest and most expensive after trading my ultra blue with a friend for my two blue crocea,s.
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Old 10-20-2014, 03:57 PM
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How was the shell growth? I find that to be an excellent indicator of their overall health. I keep an eye on mine and adjust my various parameters accordingly. Sometimes clams can give you an indicator of whats going on, other times its just one day they appear happy, the next day dead. I'll never get them figured out, especially the expensive ones. Sorry to hear, unexplained deaths always suck
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Old 10-20-2014, 04:56 PM
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ya Doug that sucks man. that nice squamosa i had remember the white speckles on it just went in like a 1.5 days. weird
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