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Old 10-18-2014, 04:40 PM
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Default Clam death.

How the heck,{would rather use another word}, does a perfectly healthy clam go from that to retracted and almost dead the next morning.

My nicest maxima. $200 freaking dollars down the drain. Sheez.

No visible pests. None of my fish bothered them that I seen. The clam has been absolutely perfect since its purchase a few months ago.
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Old 10-18-2014, 05:14 PM
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lost a few clams over the years, they appear 100% in the evening to a putrid mess the next morning without explanation
my tank
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Old 10-18-2014, 05:29 PM
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Originally Posted by mark View Post
lost a few clams over the years, they appear 100% in the evening to a putrid mess the next morning without explanation
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Old 10-18-2014, 06:20 PM
The Guy The Guy is offline
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I had a squamosa that was good for several months, then one day it was wide open and dead. I think it was being attacked from the bottom by ?? not sure though. Anyway it's a p*****f when it happens, so I stay away from them now.
Hey! I never "LEFT" the hobby, just doing fresh water now. Which is still listed as part of Canreef if I'm not mistaken.
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Old 10-18-2014, 10:37 PM
toxic111 toxic111 is offline
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I lost mine after it doing well & growing well for 3 years... it sucks big time..
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Old 10-19-2014, 12:45 AM
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I had an angel fish get the taste of clam and killed it in the matter of minutes. So I brought the angel to the lfs immediately afterwords!
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Old 10-19-2014, 02:18 AM
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They generally get attacked by snails and other pests on the foot of the clam. I had one that did the same thing, turned out there were a few little starfish and a snail that had made its way into the clam through the bottom and ate it from the inside. Pretty wierd.
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Old 10-19-2014, 02:28 AM
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Certain wrasses will inialate clams also I lost 2 clams to a green wrasse
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Old 10-19-2014, 02:33 AM
Skim Skim is offline
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Clams are funny they don't give you much of sign saying I'm in trouble. If they are being attacked from the bottom you will usually see then open and closing quite often and kind of twitching from side to side and they will also stay closed when you would expect them to be basking in the light. They have to be treated almost like softies they like there Ammonia and Nitrates and probably Phosphates to boot. If you ask some that have a large clam like 12 inches or more or have many clams they probably have the cleanest water as in Phosphates and Nitrates. I met a guy in the LFS one day and he had a 280 Gal I believe and had nothing but Clams in it the whole tank everywhere, he showed me photos it was amazing but he did not skim did not use RO water and water changes where far and few and he still had to dose Ammonium and Nitrates to keep them alive and the more he dosed he said the more colourful they became and grew much faster. I know from the past if you have Bristle worms your Clams will usually die, they drill there way in from the bottom and eat the Clam from the inside. What a way to go.
Anyhow sorry to hear of your loss. Like I said I have lost some beauties in the past all to Bristle Worms once they get a taste the rest are doomed.

All the best.

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Old 10-19-2014, 02:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Slyguy00 View Post
They generally get attacked by snails and other pests on the foot of the clam. I had one that did the same thing, turned out there were a few little starfish and a snail that had made its way into the clam through the bottom and ate it from the inside. Pretty wierd.
I looked at the bottom on the first day. Nothing and I checked my others today with a mag glass.

Originally Posted by Ryanerickson View Post
Certain wrasses will inialate clams also I lost 2 clams to a green wrasse
I have a yellow coris and a leopard. Never seen them bothering my clams.

Originally Posted by Skim View Post
Clams are funny they don't give you much of sign saying I'm in trouble. If they are being attacked from the bottom you will usually see then open and closing quite often and kind of twitching from side to side and they will also stay closed when you would expect them to be basking in the light. They have to be treated almost like softies they like there Ammonia and Nitrates and probably Phosphates to boot. If you ask some that have a large clam like 12 inches or more or have many clams they probably have the cleanest water as in Phosphates and Nitrates. I met a guy in the LFS one day and he had a 280 Gal I believe and had nothing but Clams in it the whole tank everywhere, he showed me photos it was amazing but he did not skim did not use RO water and water changes where far and few and he still had to dose Ammonium and Nitrates to keep them alive and the more he dosed he said the more colourful they became and grew much faster. I know from the past if you have Bristle worms your Clams will usually die, they drill there way in from the bottom and eat the Clam from the inside. What a way to go.
Anyhow sorry to hear of your loss. Like I said I have lost some beauties in the past all to Bristle Worms once they get a taste the rest are doomed.

All the best.


That was one reason I had 6 besides their beauty. I once read somewhere that bristle worms will not harass clams through the foot unless the clam is already on the way out.
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